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when i had a delete function to this i can not get the form to show up at all. i did not post the form. I would like it to do what it does now and then have a delete button to delete the ones that the user does not want. i have tried different ways. if i have just the delete and they enter their name and the date off(which needs to be added) it will work but will not show what they have



function getmonth($m=0) {
return (($m==0 ) ? date('F') : date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$m)));

<img src="33720001.jpg" alt="sitel" width="300" height="100" />

if( $action == 'updated' )
  extract ($_POST);
  $todaysDate = date("Y-m-d",time());

//	Need to query database to see if this request is valid

echo "<p><strong>These are the dates that you have requested off!!!!</strong></p>";

$sql ="SELECT first, last, requestedDate FROM timeoff WHERE last = '$last' AND first = '$first'";
$query=mysql_query($sql) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
echo "<p>";
echo $row['first'] ." ". $row['last']. " ". " ". $row['requestedDate'];
echo "</p>";



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