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[SOLVED] return a variable in an existing function.


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I do not know where this function is called in the script... but can I return the $login variable somehow within this function? like could I set a global $theloginwas    and record the value of $login in the function?


I am looking for a quick way to modify this function so I can read the $login variable outside of the function


please help


function doImport($importer_class,$login,$name)
global $_CONFIG;
$oRespX = new xajaxResponse();
$classFile = $_CONFIG['BASE_DIR'].'/include/classes/importer/'.$importer_class.'.php';
if (file_exists($classFile)) {
	$oImporter = new $importer_class();
	$bImporter = true;	
	$bImporter = false;

$sTxt = '';

	$result_array = $oImporter->run($login,$name);//array()

		$names = array_shift($result_array);		
		$emails = array_shift($result_array);

			$sTxt .= '<form action="" onsubmit="javascript:do_send(this);return false;" id="send_form" name="send_form">
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="background-color: #e9e9e9;">
			    <td width="25%" align="left"><input type="checkbox" name="all1"  id="all1" value="1" onclick="select_all(this);" checked="true"> 
			      <b>Select All</b></td>
			    <td width="50%" align="left"><b>Email Address</b></td>
			    <td width="25%" align="left"><b>Name</b></td>
						<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="1" colspan="3"></td>
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($emails) ; $i++) {
				if(strpos($emails[$i], '@')){

				$sTxt .='<tr> 
					    <td align="left">
					    <input type=checkbox name="email_array[]" id="email_array[]" value="'.$emails[$i].'" checked="true">
					    <td align="left">
					    <td align="left">
						<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="1" colspan="3"></td>
		$sTxt .= '<tr> 
				    <td align="left"><input type="checkbox" name="all2"  id="all2" value="1" onclick="select_all(this);" checked="true"> 
				      <b>Select All</b></td>
				    <td> </td>
				    <td> </td>
					<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="1" colspan="3"></td>
				    <td><div align="right"><b>Subject</b></div></td>
				    <td colspan="2"><div align="left">
				        <input type="text" name="subject" readonly id="subject" value="'.$_CONFIG['MAIL_SUBJECT'].'" size="50">
				    <td valign="top"><div align="right"><b>Content</b></div></td>
				    <td colspan="2" valign="top"><div align="left">
				        <textarea name="body" id="body" readonly cols="50" rows="15">'.$_CONFIG['MAIL_BODY'].'</textarea>
				    <td> </td>
				    <td colspan="2" align="left"> <input type="submit" name="send_bn" value="Send">
				        <input name="send_bn2" type="reset" id="send_bn2" value="Reset"> </td>


			$sTxt .= '<p>not any contact on your account.</p>';

	else if($result_array==1)
		$sTxt .= '<p>Invalid login name or password.</p>';
		$sTxt .= '<p>An Unknown error has occurred .</p>';

	$sTxt .= '<p>Not this webmail importer installed.</p>';
$sTxt .= '';	

$oRespX->addAssign("login_form_div","innerHTML", $sTxt);	

return $oRespX;


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Yes, Neptunus, you could, but it would likely mess up the other code that uses the function, as it is expecting a class.


The function accepts the variable $login, so if you find where the function is called, it will already have the value you are looking for in that scope. Something like: doImport($aclass, $alogin, $aname); You can use $aname as the login that is passed to that function.

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ok I am on to a fix for my problem


the function asigns an outgoing email to be sent... I need to squeez the $login variable into this and I will have achieved my goal... the following line is returned in part of the function.


<input type="text" name="subject" readonly id="subject" value="'.$login.'" size="50">


this puts the $login variable in the subject line of the outgoing email my only problem now is I need it to say


for example if $login=paul


value needs to be: paul has invited you..


how can I ad invited you to the end of the $login when setting the value? I tried . and " and all kinds of ways but cant seem to get it.....


also how would I set a value like if I wanted login in the middle of some text also...


thanks guys... if I get this im all set to modify the function easily.



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yea ... if that works... I was just having a problem with the actual sytanx...


If figured another way to do it in the meantime but I was going to ask if there was an easier way.....


this is how I got it to work


$ssub=$login." Has Invited You";


and I used $ssub  as the value... hehe anyway thanks I will use your method...



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