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Need help with VirtualDocumentRoot


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After hours of unsuccessful attempts I'm out of ideas and I'm hoping someone here can help.


I would like to create VirtualDocumentRoots for my growing arsenal of sites.

I'm trying to get:

http://localhost/websiteA to have a document root of C:/www/websiteA

http://localhost/websiteB to have a document root of C:/www/websiteB

http://localhost/websiteC to have a document root of C:/www/websiteC

and etc...


I've tried dozens of different syntax combinations and nothing has worked.

Maybe someone here is more familiar with it than I am?

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The three sites you have are all on the same domain, hence, they all use the same DocumentRoot. You need to look up the documentation for vhosts and setup a different vhost for each site using a different hostname/domain.


At its simplest, you might have something like....


NameVirtualHost *

# This is the default host.
<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/default"

# Second site.
<VirtualHost site1>
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/site1"

# Third site.
<VirtualHost site2>
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/site2"


To get to these site you would use the addresses http://localhost http://site1 http://site2. You will also most likely need to edit your systems hosts file to ensure your browser does not attempt to resolve these host names via DNS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a beginner but was wanting similar to what you want, I went for the following:


A wildcard DNS to catch all <app1>.server


then the following within vhosts of apache:


<VirtualHost *:80>

RewriteEngine On


ServerAlias *.server

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "/usr/local/apache2.2.0a/cgi-bin"

RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}:5081/$1 [proxy]



VirtualHost *:5081>

CheckSpelling On

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml


VirtualDocumentRoot /live/code/html/%1

Alias /common /live/code/html/%1


<Directory /live/code/html>

  Options Includes Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

  AllowOverride None

  Order allow,deny

  Allow from all



therefore if you enter http://app1.server in your browser, the virtual document root will be /live/code/html/app1


It uses the 1st part of the servername as the subdir from /live/code/html


I redirect to port 5081 in this case, as I have other apps on other ports.


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