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[SOLVED] Trying to create a search result on a file directory


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I am in need of guidance and help.



I am working on a project where I need to take a variable from a form, then match that variable against a directory list and return a modified list of files available that are clickable.


I have created the form - (easy part)

and I have found coding that pulls the directory list.


I am having trouble finding information on how to take that directory list a sort the results based only on the keyword that was typed in.


Any help or direction will be appreciated.



Thank you for your time.


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Im assuming u are seeing if the keyword matches the filename and not its contents. If not tell me and ill modify the script.


The first file:

$input = $_POST['input'];
$dir = 'mydir';
$dirHandle = opendir($dir);
while($files = readdir($dirHandle)){
	if($files == '.' or $files == '..'){ continue; }
	if(strstr($files, $input)){
		echo "<a href=\"showFiles.php?dir=$dir&file=$files\">$files</a>";



if(isset($_GET['dir']) and isset($_GET['file'])){
$file = $_GET['dir'] . "/" . $_GET['file'];
$handle = fopen($file , 'r');
$contents = fread($hande, filesize($file));
echo $contents;


What the snippet does, is read a directory and show all the files that contain the keyword. When the user clicks a file, he is redirected to showfiles.php where he can see the contents of that file. Hope this is what u wanted.

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I tried out this script..


the first snippet is giving me an error code:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/dir7.php on line 15


the code is 14 lines..


any suggestions?


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well. it wasnt working for me, however I was able to take the code suggestions and manipulate a solution as follows:



$input =$_POST['ext'];




      if ($file != "." && $file != "..")

              if(strstr($file, $input))


    echo "<a href=".$file_dir."/".$file." target=_blank>".$file."</a>

    echo "<br />;







Now I know right off that I can mix the </a><br /> together and not have the second echo command, but I am just learning PHP and I am bastardizing several code snippet references together.


What this code is doing for me is taking the value from a form, the value coming in is "ext" , based on that the code then does a directory list and uses the strstr command to show only the value that matches "ext", then returns that entry as a clickable url link.


My next step is pushing the return to a cgi script, but I think I have that already worked out. Just need to fine tune it.


I thank everyone who helped out, and I hope that someone down the road will be able to use this to further their php learning experience.


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Glad its working. I see u marked this topic as solved, but anyway im just writting two or three additional things to make u understand it better:


The code opens a directory and every file which contains $input is shown. Strstr() finds the first occurrence of a string and if it is found then echo. U may consider converting the $file to lowercase for improved results:

if(strstr(strtolower($file), $input)


That was all. Good luck with your script.

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