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[SOLVED] Check for match?


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Hi All,


I only dabble in PHP, thus my urgent need for help. I currently have this which works fine:



$readfile = "UnitPrice_2.txt";

if (file_exists($readfile)) {

$readfile = file("UnitPrice_2.txt"); 
  $readfile_sort = array_reverse($readfile);
for ($k=0; $k<=count($readfile_sort)-2; $k++) {
    $fields = split("\t",$readfile_sort[$k]);

print("<tr onMouseOver=this.className='rowHighlight'; onMouseOut=this.className='rowEven';><td class=plain> $fields[0]</td> <td align=Center class=plain>$fields[1]</td> <td class=plain align=Center>$fields[2]</td> <td class=plain align=Center>$fields[3]</td></tr>");

} else {
   print ("<p><span class=subheading>Sorry data temporarily unavailable, please try again later.</span></p>");



but I want to change the code to match two fields - 1 from each external tab delimited text file. If $fields[0] and $field2[0] match (it's actualy checking for a matching date) display something in $showtext.


I know what I want to do with the code, but I don't have enough knowledge to actually write it properly. This is what I have done thus far which does not work:




$readfile = "UnitPrice_2.txt";
$readfile2 = "ExDist_2.txt";

if (file_exists($readfile) || file_exists($readfile2)) {

$readfile = file("UnitPrice_2.txt"); 
$readfile2 = file("ExDist_2.txt"); 
  $readfile_sort = array_reverse($readfile);
    $readfile_sort2 = array_reverse($readfile2);
for ($k=0; $k2=0; $k<=count($readfile_sort)-2; $k2<=count($readfile_sort2)-2; $k++; $k2++) {

    $fields = split("\t",$readfile_sort[$k]);	
    $fields2 = split("\t",$readfile_sort2[$k2]);

	if ($fields[0] == $fields2[0]) {	
	$showtext = "Ex-Distribution";
	} else {
$showfields = " ";	

print("<tr onMouseOver=this.className='rowHighlight'; onMouseOut=this.className='rowEven';><td class=plain> $fields[0]</td> <td align=Center class=plain>$fields[1]</td> <td class=plain align=Center>$fields[2]</td><td class=plain align=Center><strong>$showtext</strong></td></tr>");
  } else {
   print ("<p><span class=subheading>Sorry data temporarily unavailable, please try again later.</span></p>");


Any urgent guidance would be appreciated.


Many thanks





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Well, your for loop doesn't make sense. You can't have two conditions within your for loop.


I assume that by "does not work" you mean you end up with a blank page? Or do you actually get the error message? Either way, it would be helpful to be a bit more descriptive of the problem.


Anyways, i would suggest constructing your for loop as something like:


$k2 = $k+1;
//rest of your code here


That should be ok if the only matches you want to find are those where the 1st tab delimited value in file 1 is the same as the 3rd tab delimited value in file 2 and are on the same line within their respective files. If thats not what you're after, you'll need to explain a bit more fully with what you are trying to achieve.

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Thanks for your reply.


Yep my loop doesn't make sense, that's what I was asking for someone to help. Very bad explanation I agree.


Good news though, I paid a PhpFreak user to get it done for me instead.


Thanks anyway!



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