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how would I do this?


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What I have: I have articles and tutorials on my site and they're both in a table called tutorials


What I want: to have a section at the bottom of every article or tutorial saying "related links" and have links to articles and tutorials that are about similar topics



I have a faint idea how to do this. I'm thinking I might make a separate table that has the id# of a specific article/tutorial and then have a new row for each keyword. Then on the related links section it would put all of that article/tutorials keywords into an array and then do a search for articles/tutorials that have the same keywords. Would that work? and how could I do that?

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Just create a new column in that table and sort out the tutorials by type or whatever. Then call upon all the tutorials of that type, given a limit and display them.




All of them will have more than one keyword though so it seems like it would be easier to make a separate table.

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Okay this is what I've put together today. Its only a testing page to get the code right..



$searchquery="SELECT * FROM tutorialtags WHERE ";

$fsearchh=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tutorialtags WHERE tutid='$id'");
	$searchquery.= " AND ";
echo "$tuttag<br>";
$searchquery.= "tag='$tuttag'";
echo "<hr>";

echo "$searchquery<hr>";

echo "{$search['tutid']} - {$search['tag']}<br />";



If I put 11 as the id, the page looks like






SELECT * FROM tutorialtags WHERE tag='eyes' AND tag='eyeshadow'




How should I change the code so it would put links to tutorials with eyes and eyeshadow first, then links to tutorials with only eyeshadow in the tag second?

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in your case you need to create a new query for that specific link you want


but i would rather do it this way

note asterisk is bad example


select * from category

considering your category is listed like






each category will have a link for each subcategory


if i click one of those category itwll navigate to each sub


sample ID for ME =1

select * from subcat where id=1

sample results:





now those subcat should have spicific link and will only return one result

for each subcategory


oops sorry bad english  ;D

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That would work except I don't want the links to go to subcatagories, I want the links to go to actual tutorials that are in the same catagory. I'm thinking I might just do like 2 or 3 different queries, where the first would search for tutorials with almost all of the same tags, and the 2nd query would search for tutorials with only a couple of the same tags..

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Okay I've made two tables.













What I want to happen is you'll look at a tutorial with the id 11.

So a query will get all of the tags from tutorialtagss that have the tutid of 11.

Then I want to only see the tutid's of tutorials that have at least 3 of the same tags as tutorial 11.


Hopefully that makes more sense. Is this even possible? I've worn myself out trying to figure out a way to do this.

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