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You probably know by now, I'm setting up an image uploader for a project, and want to add user interfaces. Well, everything's ok now, apart from delete. With help, I've come upon this code:


$files = array();
while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)  
if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && !is_dir($file))  
	$files[] = $file;  
echo "<ul>\n";
for($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++)  
if($files[$i] != "index.php")
echo "<li><a href=\"$dir/".$files[$i]."\">".$files[$i]."</a> - <a href=\"delete.php?del=$files[$i]\">Delete</a></li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";


This code lists the directory contents and adds a 'delete' option next to the file. Upon pressing delete, it will send you to



In delete.php, I have



$file = $_GET['del'];
$dir = "$f_user/$file"
if(unlink($dir)) {
echo "The file was deleted successfully.";
else {
echo "There was an error trying to delete the file.";



Basically, this gets the file and tries to delete it. However, on this screen, I get nothing, just a blank white page. Not even the error echo works. So, here's my question: What's wrong with the second script?


If you would like to see what happens, log in at http://reflexprojects.net/rs/upload/secure_page.php?, with username and password as 'test'. Upload a picture, then try to delete it. Thanks in advance, Tom.

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I would think it is supposed to be empty.


I think the unlink function might be causing some kind of problem. What if you do "echo $dir" right before the unlink line? See if something gets displayed, if not, comment out that entire if statement and see what it prints out for the $dir, it might be something weird.

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Are u sure u have a directory like: $dir = "$f_user/$file"? Normally if smth goes wrong an error should be printed, but maybe u have error_reporting off. If u have access to php.ini or a custom one try chaning error_reporting = e_all to see if u get any error.

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erm...Was that 'thank' 'you doing a query and selecting it that way?' or 'thank you' 'doing a query and selecting it that way? And read the code, I'm not sure there's another way of displaying the directory contents in a list in another way.

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not sure if thi will help but i got this from php.net when i looked up opendir delete




function recursive_delete( $dir )
        if (is_dir($dir)) {
           if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
               while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) {
                        if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
                                if( is_dir( $dir . $file ) )
                                        echo "Entering Directory: $dir$file<br/>";
                                        recursive_delete( $dir . $file . "/" );
                                        echo "Removing Directory: $dir$file<br/><br/>";
                                        rmdir( $dir . $file );
                                        echo "Deleting file: $dir$file<br/>";
                                        unlink( $dir . $file );


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