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Is there a way of returning browser text size


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.. many users have their browser font size inadvertently set to a large or small size.


I doubt it's inadvertent, it's probably like that because that's the way they want their browser to display - either as a matter of convenience or so they can read what's on the screen.

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Ha Ha, I mean on OUR planet AndyB.  ;)


It keeps happening. Someone says something like, "I was on the website but the text is all big" or "Is it the site with really small text?"


This always leads to me tutoring them on how to use their browser's fount control. Also, ever now an then when I'm showing why good coding practice is a good practice, I'll demonstrate how the text can grow or shrink with the site elements growing or shrinking along. Almost always the people are more impressed with the fact that you can change text size, especially with the keyboard. "Wow, how'd you do that?"


I wish you were right...though.


The question remains. Is there any way to pluck this off any browsers?

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