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[SOLVED] Need help putting together query.


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Okay, I am stumped on how to form my query to get my desired results.


I have a table like so:

TABLE 'club_votes'
vote_for [A players unique ID]
clubID [A clubs unique ID]


Here is some example data of what the rows would hold:

Vote_for           ClubID
--------          --------
   1                  1
   10                 1   
   1                  1 
   1                  1 
   10                 2
   5                  2
   6                  2
   6                  2
   1                  2


Look at the "vote_for" column, "1" got 4 votes for club 1 since the number appears 4 times.


What I am trying to do is display the person who got the most votes for each club.


So according to the rows in the table, I would want to output this:

Club           Winner
-----         -------
  1              1
  2              6


Any help putting this query together would be greatly appreciated =] Thanks.

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select count(distinct(id)) as result, id from tablename group by id result


is this what you mean

your example arent clear enough for me coz its not showing the relationship of the table but i guess that will do


or tell me if I'm totally wrong




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that error is due to max()


ok, u can try this


create temporary table temp as select club_id,vote_for,count(vote_for) as votes  from table group by club_id,vote_for order by club_id;


select club_id,vote_for,count(vote_for) as cnt  from table group by club_id,vote_for order by club_id having cnt=any(select max(votes) from temp group by club_id);


huh.......there might be a alternative way.

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You need to use SUM().


Yeah, I was thinking that, but wouldn't that add all the rows together? I just need to count how many rows for each user voted for, so I don't understand how I would use SUM() in the query. I will keep playing with it to see if I can get it to work.


Sorry, I missed the point :-( Each record is a single vote?  Then you need to a do a count() with a group by club_id....

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