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display image depending on url


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Hi everyone, pleased to be here.


I am a complete newby to php and Im trying to learn how to do something, here is what im trying to achieve.


something like:


if url="page1.php" then print("<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">");

if url="page2.php" then print("<img src="image2.gif" alt="image2">");

if url="page3.php" then print("<img src="image3.gif" alt="image3">");


I know its wrong but you get the idea. Ive searched around google etc for some kind of example but I can't find anything, can anyone help me go in the right direction?





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case 'page1.php':
 echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
case 'page2.php':
 echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
case 'page3.php':
 echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
 echo '<img src="imagedefault.gif" alt="image1">';




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case 'page1.php':
  echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
case 'page2.php':
  echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
case 'page3.php':
  echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">';
  echo '<img src="imagedefault.gif" alt="image1">';





thank you both for such a quick response, heres what I have so far with your suggestion ToonMariner


case 'index.php?department=44':
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/1000mile.gif" alt="1000 mile">';
case 'index.php?department=45':
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/muller.gif" alt="Muller">';
case 'index.php?department=46':
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/noene.gif" alt="Noene">';
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/default.gif" alt="blah">';


but it displays the default image all the time. I have tried using full urls and just pagename but having no luck.


thanks in advance





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Just playing around with with your post as well xyn which is:



$url = explode("/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);

if($url == "index.php?department=44")
    echo("<img src="imgs/inc/1000mile.gif" alt="1000 mile">");
elseif($url == "index.php?department=45")
    echo("<img src="imgs/inc/muller.gif" alt="Muller">");


but that gives me the error:


Parse error: parse error in /web/inc/department.inc.php on line 121


thanks in advance



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On the pages you are trying to get to show these images, you will want the value of $url to be the same as the output that you get from this when it is included on your page (remove it when you've got the output):


<?php var_dump($url); ?>


And in xyn's post he didn't escape the " " within " ". ToonMariner used " " within ' ' so no escape is required. This is the correction to xyn's code:



$url = explode("/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);

if($url == "index.php?department=44")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/1000mile.gif\" alt=\"1000 mile\">");
elseif($url == "index.php?department=45")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/muller.gif\" alt=\"Muller\">");



Hopefully that helps

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@ Bronzemonkey;

Thanks for correcting the code heh, though i never test my coding.


however i noticed a problem i forgot. using explode() creates an array

of which we need to ammend like so:


$url = explode("/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);

if($url[1] == "index.php?department=44")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/1000mile.gif\" alt=\"1000 mile\">");
elseif($url[1]== "index.php?department=45")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/muller.gif\" alt=\"Muller\">");


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you guys are great! thanks for all the responses but alas it still isn't working! When I tried :


<?php var_dump($url); ?>


it returns NULL ???????


so I searched around and found this:


$uri = 
    'http' . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : null) . '://' .
    ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}" : null) .
echo $uri;


which gave me this address:





however the altered code displays nothing (but doesn't give a parse error now!), I checked the page source for code but nothings there.





$url = explode("/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);

if($url[1] == "http://www.domain.com/shop/index.php?department=44")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/1000mile.gif\" alt=\"1000 mile\">");
elseif($url[1]== "http://www.domain.com/shop/index.php?department=45")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/muller.gif\" alt=\"Muller\">");





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Try this:



$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

if($url == "/index.php?department=44")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/1000mile.gif\" alt=\"1000 mile\">");
elseif($url == "/index.php?department=45")
    echo("<img src=\"imgs/inc/muller.gif\" alt=\"Muller\">");



If it doesn't work, use var_dump again to see what value of url is required. If that still doesn't work, then we've already reached the limits of my PHP  :(

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OMG what are you all doing????????


leading the poor lad astray switch is the order of the day when haveing MANY possible values - far better than lots of if statements!!!


OK I was thinking your would not actually use the scriptname but a url var in my first post but as you made no mention I decided to leave to what you posted...


Try this.


$dept = isset($_GET['department']) ? $_GET['department'] : NULL;

case 44:
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/1000mile.gif" alt="1000 mile">';
case 45:
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/muller.gif" alt="Muller">';
case 46:
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/noene.gif" alt="Noene">';
  echo '<img src="imgs/inc/default.gif" alt="blah">';

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