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[SOLVED] Stripslashes problem


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So, I have a form, and when I submit it, if there are errors, what the user submits gets loaded back into the form. Magic Quotes is turned on, and you'd think that by using stripslashes(), I'd get rid of the slashes. It's not working for some reason. I don't know why. Here's the code for the page.



die('Index.php must be included with this file!<br /><br /><b>Hacking Attempt by '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</b>');

// Uh-oh! A guest! Guests can't post submissions!
$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}";

$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}";

$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Error!";

$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Error!</b>';


echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\">
		<td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">";
$TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html");
echo "</td>
		<td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">";

$Replace['template']['mods']['1'] = array("{HEADER_TEXT}","{MESSAGE_TEXT}");
$Replace['template']['mods']['2'] = array(
	"You are not logged in. You need to be logged in to be able to submit your modification or template. Please <a href=\"http://flexbbmods.hyperphp.com/forums.php?page=login\">login</a>. If you are not a registered member, why not take the time to <a href=\"http://flexbbmods.hyperphp.com/forums.php?page=register\"register</a>? It'll only take a few seconds, and there are so many features that are enabled for memebers, including posting in the forum, submitting mods and templates, and more!"

$Replace['template']['submit']['1'] = array(
$Replace['template']['submit']['2'] = array(

	$name = $_POST['name'];
	$short = $_POST['short'];
	$description = $_POST['description'];
	$version = $_POST['version'];
	$type = intval($_POST['type']);
	$fversion = intval($_POST['fversion']);
	$category = intval($_POST['category']);
	$license = $_POST['license'];

		$license = $set['default_license'];

	$license = str_replace('{USERNAME}', $_SESSION['flexbb_username'], $license);
	$license = str_replace('{DATE}', date('Y'), $license);

	$errors = array();
	if(!isset($name) || !isset($short) || !isset($description) || !isset($version) || !isset($category) || !isset($license))
		$errors[] = "You left one or more fields blank. Please fix this.";
		$_POST['submit'] = '';

	$versionQuery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."versions WHERE vid='".$version."'");
	if($DB->num_rows($versionQuery) <= 0)
		$errors[] = "That version does not exist! Please select a new one.";
		$_POST['submit'] = '';

	$categoryQuery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."categories WHERE cid='".$category."'");
	if($DB->num_rows($categoryQuery) <= 0)
		$errors[] = "That category does not exist! Please select a new one.";
		$_POST['submit'] = '';

	if($_FILES['file']['error'] == "0")


		$filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];

		$postfile = $_FILES['file']['name'];

		$filesize = round($_FILES['file']['size']/1024, 2);

		$filetmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
		$filetype = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')));

		$filetype = str_replace(".","",$filetype);

		$typeallow = explode(",", 'zip,rar');

		// Is it over the allowed size

		if($filesize > 500 || $filesize == 0)


			$errors[] = "The file you uploaded is too big! Please re-upload a smaller file.";
			$_POST['submit'] = '';

		if(!in_array($filetype, $typeallow))


			$errors[] = "The file you uploaded is not a zip file or a rar file.";
			$_POST['submit'] = '';


		if(file_exists('uploads/submissions/' . $filename))
			$errors[] = "The file you are trying to upload already exists. Please rename the file and upload it again";
			$_POST['submit'] = '';

		$errors[] = "You didn't include a file. Please select one to upload.";
		$_POST['submit'] = '';

	if(count($errors) > 0)
		$Replace['template']['submit']['2'] = array(
		$upload = move_uploaded_file($filetmp, 'uploads/submissions/' . $filename);
			$errors[] = "There was a problem with us uploading the file. Please try again.";
			$_POST['submit'] = '';

		$DB->query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."submissions VALUES ('', '".$name."', '".$short."', '".$description."', '".$license."', '0', '".time()."', '0', '".$loguser[id]."', '".$version."', '".$fversion."', '".$category."', '".$type."', '0', '".basename($filename)."')");

		$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}";

		$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}";

		$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Thank You!";

		$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Thank You!</b>';


		echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\">
				<td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">";
		$TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html");
		echo "</td>
				<td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">";

		$Replace['template']['mods']['1'] = array("{HEADER_TEXT}","{MESSAGE_TEXT}");
		$Replace['template']['mods']['2'] = array(
			"Thank You!",
			"Thank you for your submission. It will now be reviewed by one of our staff members, and then should be added to the database. This shouldn't take more that 24 hours."

if(!isset($_POST['submit']) || $_POST['submit'] == '')
	$name = stripslashes($name);
	$short = stripslashes($short);
	$description = stripslashes($description);
	$version = stripslashes($version);
	$license = stripslashes($license);

	$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}";

	$Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}";

	$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Submit";

	$Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Submit</b>';


	echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\">
			<td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">";
	$TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html");
	echo "</td>
			<td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">";

	if(count($errors) > 0)
		$error = "	<br /><ul>";
		foreach($errors as $err)
			$error .= "		<li>{$err}</li>";
		$error .= "	</ul>";

		$Replace['template']['submit']['2'][7] = $error;

	$verQuery = $DB->query("SELECT vid, name FROM ".$prefix."versions ORDER BY name ASC");
	while($ver = $DB->fetch_array($verQuery))
		if($ver['vid'] == $fversion)
			$selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
		$verSelect .= "		<option value=\"{$ver['vid']}\"{$selected}>{$ver['name']}</option>\n";
		$selected = "";

	$catQuery = $DB->query("SELECT cid, name FROM ".$prefix."categories ORDER BY name ASC");
	while($cat = $DB->fetch_array($catQuery))
		if($cat['cid'] == $category)
			$selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
		$catSelect .= "		<option value=\"{$cat['cid']}\"{$selected}>{$cat['name']}</option>\n";
		$selected = "";

	$Replace['template']['submit']['1'][] = "{VERSION_SELECT}";
	$Replace['template']['submit']['2'][] = $verSelect;

	$Replace['template']['submit']['1'][] = "{CATEGORY_SELECT}";
	$Replace['template']['submit']['2'][] = $catSelect;

	$TMPL->show('submit', 'submit.template.html');

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