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[SOLVED] [PROBLEM] need help with this code.


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Hey all,

i have a problem with some code, what im trying to create is a color coded percentage.

so i fill in a field in a database with a number as a %'age of what i have done.

if its under 25% then the color is red under 50 it is orange under 75 it is yellow and 100 is green for file finished.


Now, in the code i have it pull the info out from the database and show it in a list so visitors can see how the files are coming along.

now everything was fine untill i added the code for the colors and if they were under or over a certain %'age, now it repeats the info in the database 8 times and the very last set has the right colors.


so it repeats everythin 7 times and on the 8th time it has the right colors for the right %'age.


Can anyone help me fix this code so that it will only show it once and not 8 times.




Here is the code: P.S i have already tried limit 1.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylenews.css">
mysql_connect($server,$anvandare, $losen);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from todo Order by percentage");
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

if ($r[$percentage] <= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 50) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=75) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=100) {
} ?>
<div align="center">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#5D6765" width="95%" id="AutoNumber1">
      <td width="100%"><br>
$results= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM todo Order by percentage desc");
$id = "id";
$name = "name";
$description = "description";
$left_to_do = "left to do";
$percentage = "percentage";

echo mysql_error();

if (mysql_Numrows($results)>0)                            //if there are records in the fields
  $numrows=mysql_NumRows($results);                       //count them
  while ($x<$numrows){   //loop through the records

<table width="100%">
        <th class="subcat" width="60%">
            <font size="3"><?=$thename?>:</font>

        <th class="subcat">
            <font size="2">Done so far: <font color="<?=$fontcol?>"><?=$thepercentage?>%</font>
        <td colspan="2" class="row2">
        Design Page.<BR>

} else {
<center><b>There is nothing left to do !</b></center>

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Well what it is, is theres 8 rows in the database and i need to show all of them, thats what the loop is for, so that it shows all the info in the database (its a bit like a news section where you enter it and want to show all the news posted).


But it repreats the information 8 times instead of just once. i will upload it to my server and send the link so you can see exactly what i mean.




EDIT: here is the link http://lilysretreat.richsprivatesite.com/lobby.php

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OK basically your looping twice


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from todo Order by percentage");
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {



$results= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM todo Order by percentage desc");


try this (untested and was quick review)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylenews.css">
mysql_connect($server,$anvandare, $losen);
mysql_select_db($databas); ?>

<div align="center">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#5D6765" width="95%" id="AutoNumber1">
	  <td width="100%"><br>
$results= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM todo Order by percentage desc");
$id = "id";
$name = "name";
$description = "description";
$left_to_do = "left to do";
$percentage = "percentage";

if ($r[$percentage] <= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 50) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=75) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=100) {

echo mysql_error();

if (mysql_Numrows($results)>0)                            //if there are records in the fields
  $numrows=mysql_NumRows($results);                       //count them
  while ($x<$numrows){   //loop through the records


<table width="100%">
		<th class="subcat" width="60%">
			<font size="3"><?=$thename?>:</font>

		<th class="subcat">
			<font size="2">Done so far: <font color="<?=$fontcol?>"><?=$thepercentage?>%</font>
		<td colspan="2" class="row2">
		Design Page.<BR>

} else {
<center><b>There is nothing left to do !</b></center>

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Yeah, but i posted it like thatbecause i saw others that had solved on it, so i thought i would do that so people knew when it was solved.


but then i noticed at the bottom of the page there is a button that says "solved" so i guess you click it and it marks it as bein solved lol.

if that maks sense.



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It was, but i just noticed another problem.


Now when one is a certain percent, all the colors change to the specified color instead of just that one.


I.E If i do 100% on the kitchen and then go and change todo the study and do 30% on that, then all the %'ages goto green, instead of just the kitchen.

so kitchen should be green as its on 100% but the study should be orange as it is only 30%


Any ideas?

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	if ($r[$percentage] <= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 25) {
if ($r[$percentage] >= 50) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=75) {
if ($r[$percentage] >=100) {


below the






Full code

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylenews.css">
mysql_connect($server,$anvandare, $losen);
mysql_select_db($databas); ?>

<div align="center">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#5D6765" width="95%" id="AutoNumber1">
	  <td width="100%"><br>
$results= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM todo Order by percentage desc");
$id = "id";
$name = "name";
$description = "description";
$left_to_do = "left to do";
$percentage = "percentage";

echo mysql_error();

if (mysql_Numrows($results)>0)                            //if there are records in the fields
  $numrows=mysql_NumRows($results);                       //count them
  while ($x<$numrows){   //loop through the records


if ($thepercentage <= 25) {
if ($thepercentage >= 25) {
if ($thepercentage >= 50) {
if ($thepercentage >=75) {
if ($thepercentage >=100) {

<table width="100%">
		<th class="subcat" width="60%">
			<font size="3"><?=$thename?>:</font>

		<th class="subcat">
			<font size="2">Done so far: <font color="<?=$fontcol?>"><?=$thepercentage?>%</font>
		<td colspan="2" class="row2">
		Design Page.<BR>

} else {
<center><b>There is nothing left to do !</b></center>




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