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[SOLVED] PHP 6 certification


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Time taken by Zend to bring out a new certification program is in direct inverse proportion to a random series of the antilogs of the previous version numbers raised to some arbitrary quantum factor. This is usually calculated by the double, that's double in the sense of there being two and the second being secondary to the primary, which is, ipso facto, the first, integration of a multivariant of the McLaren series of chassis numbers superimposed on elgar's enigma variations in a pseudo-bioharmonic relationship.


If that doesn't do it, you could ask them at Zend.

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Time taken by Zend to bring out a new certification program is in direct inverse proportion to a random series of the antilogs of the previous version numbers raised to some arbitrary quantum factor. This is usually calculated by the double, that's double in the sense of there being two and the second being secondary to the primary, which is, ipso facto, the first, integration of a multivariant of the McLaren series of chassis numbers superimposed on elgar's enigma variations in a pseudo-bioharmonic relationship.


If that doesn't do it, you could ask them at Zend.



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seeing how zend doesn't have any obviously link to a 6 exam release date I figure a php-demi-god as yourself might possess the knowledge of the future php test.  I'm sure your so good at this you don't need a certification saying you know your stuff, but some of us simple pawns in your game need that slip of paper to prove something to the world.  Anyway I can see your demi-god status has failed you and now I must call it solved for there are non-greater than the great Barand who is a circus clown by day and a overworked, underpaid programmer by night.

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Then you obviously haven't a clue about how much I make, or little else.


And let's examine your self-proclaimed "expert" status (and I think you'll need more than a slip of paper to prove yourself)


"Expert in multi-dimensional array analysis" but needs to post on how to process a simple 1-D array.

- http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,152200.msg657190.html#msg657190


Also "expert in mathematical modelling and partial differential equations"


yet can't correctly expand a simple algebraic expression

- http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,156956.msg684477.html#msg684477


and can't differentiate x^2

- http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,155891.msg676443.html#msg676443


and thinks that sin30 = 3/5 (ie a 3:4:5 triangle has angles 30,60,90)

- http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,152139.msg656926.html#msg656926


So let's face it. You're just a pompous charlatan and then sooner you do the honest thing and remove that "expert" crap from your sig then the sooner you might get a bit a of respect around here, instead of being a laughing-stock.


BTW, as for my getting a life (another thread), you might note that your daily post average is over 50% greater than mine (can you work that out yourself?)


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You just can't take a compliment can you, instead you elevate yourself by lower those around you.  As for the post difference that doesn't take into account the 8 months you spent traveling with the ringling brothers as a certified rouge elephant wrangler.  And I don't hear people laughing.  Also people who discuss their finical earnings or act like they have a substantial sum of income (and other packages) are only attempting to make up for a lack of.

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Dear simple pawn,


As for the post difference that doesn't take into account the 8 months you spent traveling with the ringling brothers as a certified rouge elephant wrangler. 


Now that was fun. (Although telling the world about it was typical of the bovine defaecation in most of your posts.)


And you still don't have a clue about my "finical" earnings. And I wasn't discussing it - you were.


And I don't hear people laughing.

That's only because you're too arrogant to listen. Do you really believe that those who posted corrections to your erroneous posts aren't having a bloody good laugh at you. To paraphrase the strapline from Alien, "In cyberspace no one can hear you laugh your socks off"

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