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[SOLVED] Won´t insert any field in a table


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Ok, guys, you are my last hope now. I´ve been wandering most of the night trying to find what i did wrong but couldn´t find and answer. Here is what happens: im using a function called "cargar_horas" that should insert 6 values in a table, but for some reason the query is not working. I echoed most of my code to check the values of my variables and they are fine. I think it must be something beyond my knowledge, so i hope someone can figure out what is this.


(First of all, sorry but the scripts are in spanish. I can translate them to english if anyone wants to)












$val = check_in($_SESSION['usuario'], $_SESSION['contrasena'], $tab);


if (strcmp($val,"usuario") != 0) {













<form method="post" action="">

<div style="text-align: center;"><big style="font-style: italic;"><big><big><big>-.USUARIO.-</big></big></big></big>



1) Cargar horas trabajadas </br></br>

Fecha del servicio:

Dia:<select name="diai" class="input" id="diai">




  for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++)




if ($i < 10)


echo '<option value="0'.$i.'">0'.$i.'</option>';




echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';






Mes:<select name="mesi" class="input" id="mesi">




  for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++)




if ($i < 10)


echo '<option value="0'.$i.'">0'.$i.'</option>';




echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';






Ano:<select name="anoi" class="input" id="anoi">




  for ($i = 2007; $i < 3000; $i++)




if ($i < 10)


echo '<option value="0'.$i.'">0'.$i.'</option>';




echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';






$mes = $_POST['mesi'];

$dia = $_POST['diai'];

$ano = $_POST['anoi'];

$fechafinal = $ano."-".$mes."-".$dia;


Hora de comienzo del servicio:

<select name="horaservicio" class="input" id="horaservicio">




  for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++)




if ($i < 10)


echo '<option value="0'.$i.'">0'.$i.'</option>';




echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';






<select name="minutoservicio" class="input" id="minutoservicio">




  for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++)




if ($i < 10)


echo '<option value="0'.$i.'">0'.$i.'</option>';




echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>';









$hora = $_POST['horaservicio'];

$minuto = $_POST['minutoservicio'];

$horafinal = $hora.":".$minuto;



Cliente: <select name="cliente">


  $sql= "SELECT * FROM cliente";




  while($array = mysql_fetch_array($consulta))




  echo "<option value=$array[0]>$array[1]</option>";







$cliente = $_POST['cliente'];


Tipo de servicio: <select name="tiposervicio">


  $sql= "SELECT * FROM tiposervicio";




  while($array = mysql_fetch_array($consulta))




  echo "<option value=$array[0]>$array[1]</option>";







$tipo = $_POST['tiposervicio'];


Cantidad horas: <input name="cantidadhoras" type="text"><br><br>


$horas = $_POST['cantidadhoras'];


Observacion: <input name="observacion" type="text"><br><br>


$observa = $_POST['observacion'];


<input name="opcion" type="submit" value=Cargar><br><br>


/*echo "$tipo";

echo "</br>";

echo "$cliente";

echo "</br>";

echo "$fechafinal";

echo "</br>";

echo "$horafinal";

echo "</br>";

echo "$horas";

echo "</br>";

echo "$observa";

echo "</br>";*/







case "Cargar":



















And this is the file with the function that should do the insert:



function cargar_horas($tipo,$cliente,$fechafinal,$horafinal,$horas,$observa)


$sql="INSERT INTO servicio VALUES ('','$_SESSION[id]','$tipo','$cliente','$fechafinal','$horafinal','$horas','$observa')";


echo "Informacion cargada con exito";

echo "</br>";

echo "$tipo";

echo "</br>";

echo "$cliente";

echo "</br>";

echo "$fechafinal";

echo "</br>";

echo "$horafinal";

echo "</br>";

echo "$horas";

echo "</br>";

echo "$observa";






the "servicio" table has 8 fields:











Please forgive me about writing such a long post. If anyone finds the error and is able to post it here, it would be a great help.

Thanks in advance


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a tip. Whenever there is a problem with mysql_query(), check mysql_error() like so:


mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


Now: Where are you connecting to the database server and selecting the database? I don't see it anywhere, and mysql_error() is probably going to complain about an invalid resource.

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That would be config.inc.php:


$connection = "Local";

$dbhost = "localhost"; 
$dbuser = "root"; //usuarios de la base de datos
$dbpass = "*******"; //contraseña de la base de datos
$db = "tecnicos"; //nombre de la base de datos

if (!($conectar=mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)))
                        echo "No puede conectar al Motor";

                    if(!(mysql_select_db($db, $conectar)))
				echo "No puede conectar a la base de datos $db"; 


function check_in($user, $pass, $tab)
	$sql= "select nombre,password,rol from $tab where (nombre= '$user' and password= '$pass')";
	if ($datos=mysql_fetch_array($conectar))
		if (($datos['nombre'] == $user) && ($datos['password'] == $pass))
			return $rol;
			echo "No concuerdan los datos pasados con la base de datos";
		return 0;	

function cambiar($dire) {

    echo '
    <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var pagina="'.$dire.'"
function redireccionar()
setTimeout ("redireccionar()", 500);




Sorry again for the spanish. I`ll try with the tip you gave me, thanks a lot


Mod. edit: PLEASE post code between [ code] tags. Please remove some of the whitespace in it.


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Nevermind i solved it. I was inserting rows all with id = 0 (because i forgot to add the auto_increment property) and that generated duplicate entries for my composite key.

BlueSkyIS, you helped me a lot. Without mysql_error function im sure i would never find the error. Thank you a lot! 

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