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background: #EAEAEA;

padding: 10px;



i have that, which is the grey area on the site above that contains the stuff i want.


if i add say


height: 500px;


the site looks fine on the different browsers. but obviously i want it the height of the bottom box..... as it is appearing in internet explorer.

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It works when I try it.


The footer now slides below the boxes in FF 2.06 and it looks the same in IE 6.0.


Here is the sample code I used:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>fantasy-comps.com - The worlds biggest fantasy games site.</title>
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/* TOP HELP */



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background: #EAEAEA;

padding: 10px;

height: 100%;



is the grey background i am referring too... in internet explorer.. it goes directly down in a straight line from the top red bar to the bottom red bar....


but in firefox.. it stops just after it reaches the first test1 box..



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Okay, you must be using a high resolution LCD monitor (at least 17inch).


I use an old 15" crt monitor - because, a). if my site looks good on an old crt monitor it will look good on an LCD; b). I want to be sure my layouts will fit in screen ranges of 1024 x 768 to 800 x 600 screen; c). I want to accommodate the widest range of visitor, world-wide, as possible. Many people and businesses around the world still use old crt monitors.


As such, colors like #EEEEEE and similar, do not show up on older CRT monitors. I can't see it at all.


So, to understand what your problem is, I made it #666666.


It is a float issue. Give main a float:left and it will work.


In general, your layout, however, will blow up if anyone reduces their window size. It is fixed for a minimum of 940px wide. I would advise that the home left and home right use percentages instead of px. 74.5% for left 24.5% for right (you have to allow for padding and margin).


Just a thought.

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  • 1 month later...

ok thanks mate. done that and it works fine now.. the background has stretched the whole div..


but now i face another problem.. the bottom of the page there should be a 10px gap as i have used


margin-bottom: 10px;


this works fine on internet explorer, firefox, netscape but not opera? ne ideas please?

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Actually, it blows up in FF, too.


There are just WAY too many individual css files for me to event get a handle on which is what.


It is very important when using PHP, to FIRST get your html markup and css layout working as a general template.


You have syntax and markup errors for the xhtml transitional doctype. you site's validation page.


xhtml requires ALL lowercase. <SCRIPT> must be <script>. Also, the <form> tag cannot be embedded in a <p> tag - change p class="select" to div class="select" .

Change the mime-type charset to utf-8, and convert your & to & (and any other characters to html characters).


Actually, you are even better off using an HTML 4 strict DOCTYPE. Since it seems as if you are more comfortable coding with less restriction and a little more "optional" tag syntax.


It's easy, all you need to do is "find and replace" the free standing closing tags from "/>" to ">", and remove the language="" from your scripts.


I'll look at the layout, but off the bat I see you have no main container.


You will have to use block level tags inside your form inputs


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