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[SOLVED] string from array value


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The below variables are arrays, I want to create a string from the array values and I'm not sure how to bring them all together


$wholeNum = $_POST['wholeNum'];

$fraction = $_POST['fraction'];

$measure = $_POST['meassure'];

$ingredient = $_POST['ingredient'];




$string = $wholeNum.' '.$fraction.' '.$measure.' '.$ingredient

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$array[] = $_POST['wholeNum'];
$array[] = $_POST['fraction'];
$array[] = $_POST['meassure'];
$array[] = $_POST['ingredient'];

$string = implode(' ',$array);

echo $string;




$wholeNum = $_POST['wholeNum'];
$fraction = $_POST['fraction'];
$measure = $_POST['meassure'];
$ingredient = $_POST['ingredient'];

$array = array($wholeNum, $fraction, $measure, $ingredient);

$string = implode(' ', $array);

echo $string;

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thank you for the post.


I should have given more information as I cannot get the example posted to work.


The variables I posted above gets their values from the form. below


any additional help is excellent


<table class="nonBorder">
  <form name="numItems" method="post" action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>">
<td> <label>Number of ingredients  </label><select name="numItems" id="numItems" onchange="this.form.submit()">

$items = $_POST['numItems'];
"16","17","18","19","20") as $value)
$newValue = 21 - $value;
  echo "<option value='$newValue'";
  if($newValue == $items)
    echo " selected='selected'";
  echo ">$value</option>\n";
   <form name="enterReceipt" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
  <table class="table">
$numItems = $_POST['numItems'];

while ($numItems <= 20) { ?>
        <select name="wholeNum[]">
          <option value="00">Whole Num</option>
          <option value="1">1</option>
          <option value="2">2</option>
          <option value="3">3</option>
          <option value="4">4</option>
          <option value="5">5</option>
          <option value="6">6</option>
          <option value="7">7</option>
          <option value="8">8</option>
          <option value="9">0</option>
          <option value="10">10</option>
        <select name="fraction[]">
          <option value="00">Fraction</option>
          <option value="1/16">1/16</option>
          <option value="1/8">1/8</option>
          <option value="1/4">1/4</option>
          <option value="1/2">1/2</option>
          <option value="3/4">3/4</option>
        <select name="meassure[]" id="measurement">
          <option value="">Measure</option>
          <option value="Teaspoon(s)">Teaspoon(s)</option>
          <option value="Tablespoon(s)">Tablespoon(s)</option>
          <option value="Cup(s)">Cup(s)</option>
          <option value="Pint(s)">Pint(s)</option>
          <option value="Quart(s)">Quart(s)</option>
          <option value="Pound(s)">Pound(s)</option>
          <option value="Pintch">Pintch</option>
          <option value="Ounce">Ounce</option>
        <input name="ingredient" type="text" />
        <?php $numItems ++; ?>        </td>
        <?php }}?>
     <td><textarea style="width:470px;" name="preperation" cols="" rows=""></textarea></td>
        <input type="submit" name="enterReceipt" id="button" value="Enter Receipt" />
        <input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Reset" />


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Something like this is what I'm trying to do, this does not work as posted because it produces repetitive results


if (is_array($wholeNum) || is_array($fraction) || is_array($measure) || is_array($ingredient)){

    foreach ($wholeNum AS $key=>$wholeNumValue){
    foreach ($fraction AS $key=>$fractionValue){
foreach ($measure AS $key=>$measureValue){
foreach ($measure AS $key=>$ingredient){

$string = $wholeNumValue.' '.$fractionValue.' '.$measureValue.' '.$ingredient;

echo $string;

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that was my mistake the second measure should have been $ingredient.  I found the below which I edited. It kind of works but it not grouping for each row


I want to keep each row values together


1 1/2 cup milk --> line one

2 cups flour --> line two


$wholeNum = $_POST['wholeNum'];
$fraction = $_POST['fraction'];
$measure = $_POST['meassure'];
$ingredient = $_POST['ingredient'];
$preperation = $_POST['preperation'];

foreach ($wholeNum as $thing) {
$bigar[$n][1] = $thing;
foreach ($fraction as $thing) {
$bigar[$n][2] = $thing;
foreach ($measure as $thing) {
$bigar[$n][3] = $thing;
foreach ($ingredient as $thing) {
$bigar[$n][4] = $thing;
foreach ($bigar as $part) {
echo $part[1].' '.$part[2].' '.$part[3].' '.$part[4];

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    echo '<h1>Recipe:</h1>

  <b>Ingrediants:</b><br />


    for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['ingredient']); $i++)
        $quantity    = $_POST['wholeNum'][$i];
        $fraction    = ($_POST['fraction'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['fraction'][$i] : null;
        $measurement = ($_POST['meassure'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['meassure'][$i] : null;
        $ingrediant  = $_POST['ingredient'][$i];

        echo '  <b>' . $quantity . ' ' . $fraction  . '</b> ' . $measure . ' ' . $ingrediant . "<br />\n";

    echo '</p>

  <b>Preperation:</b><br />
  ' . $_POST['preperation'] . '

<form name="numItems" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<table class="nonBorder">
      <label>Number of ingredients</label>
      <select name="numItems" id="numItems" onchange="this.form.submit()">


$items = $_POST['numItems'];
$range = range(0, 20);

foreach($range as $value)
    $newValue = 21 - $value;

    echo '<option value="' . $newValue . '"';

    if($newValue == $items)
        echo ' selected="selected"';

    echo '>' . $value  . "</option>\n";


<form name="enterReceipt" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<table class="table">
    $numItems = $_POST['numItems'];

    while ($numItems <= 20)
      <select name="wholeNum[]">
        <option value="00">Whole Num</option>
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
        <option value="4">4</option>
        <option value="5">5</option>
        <option value="6">6</option>
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="8">8</option>
        <option value="9">0</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>

      <select name="fraction[]">
        <option value="00">Fraction</option>
        <option value="1/16">1/16</option>
        <option value="1/8">1/8</option>
        <option value="1/4">1/4</option>
        <option value="1/2">1/2</option>
        <option value="3/4">3/4</option>

      <select name="meassure[]" id="measurement">
        <option value="">Measure</option>
        <option value="Teaspoon(s)">Teaspoon(s)</option>
        <option value="Tablespoon(s)">Tablespoon(s)</option>
        <option value="Cup(s)">Cup(s)</option>
        <option value="Pint(s)">Pint(s)</option>
        <option value="Quart(s)">Quart(s)</option>
        <option value="Pound(s)">Pound(s)</option>
        <option value="Pintch">Pintch</option>
        <option value="Ounce">Ounce</option>

      <input name="ingredient[]" type="text" />
<?php $numItems ++; ?>
    <td><textarea style="width:470px;" name="preperation" cols="" rows=""></textarea></td>
        <input type="submit" name="enterReceipt" id="button" value="Enter Receipt" />
        <input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Reset" />
<?php } ?>

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thank you so much, what you did was excellent and helped me out huge.


I have one last challenge with this one. I want to create a long string from the content that makes up the string that you echoed and assign it to a variable which I will use to put this information into a mysql table.  the $teststing is the value that to use with my mysql table.  $preperation will be added to the table as well but should be only added once


I edited your code to this


    for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['ingredient']); $i++)
        $quantity    = $_POST['wholeNum'][$i];
        $fraction    = ($_POST['fraction'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['fraction'][$i] : null;
        $measurement = ($_POST['meassure'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['meassure'][$i] : null;
        $ingrediant  = $_POST['ingredient'][$i];

       $StringIngrediant = $quantity . ' ' . $fraction  . ' ' . $measure . ' ' . $ingrediant;
   $testString = $StringIngrediant.'-';
echo $preperation;


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You'll want to use the concatenating assignment operator (.=) instead of a normal assignment operator (=)

$StringIngrediant .= $quantity . ' ' . $fraction  . ' ' . $measure . ' ' . $ingrediant . '-';

Then echo $StringIngrediant outside of the for loop (before or after the 'echo $preperation; line)

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This is what I have I cannot get the value for the string produced by the for statement to enter into the table



    for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['ingredient']); $i++)
        $quantity    = $_POST['wholeNum'][$i];
        $fraction    = ($_POST['fraction'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['fraction'][$i] : null;
        $measurement = ($_POST['meassure'][$i] !== '00') ? $_POST['meassure'][$i] : null;
        $ingrediant  = $_POST['ingredient'][$i];

       $stringIngrediant = $quantity . ' ' . $fraction  . ' ' . $measure . ' ' . $ingrediant;

$query_add_recipe = ("INSERT INTO recipes (title, description, ingredients, preperation, servings, yield, PreparationTime, cookTime, user_id, add_date) VALUES('$title', '$description', '$stringIngrediant', '$preperation', '$numServing', '$yield', '$prepTime', '$cockTime', '$user_id', now())");
mysql_query($query_add_recipe)or die("SQL Error: $query_add_recipe<br>" . mysql_error());

header("Location: addRecipe.php");

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