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[SOLVED] Apache HTTP 500 Internal error


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I have both IIS 7.0 and Apache 2.2.4 install on my vista local machine and i'm using php 5.2.4.


When i run my php script on IIS 7.0, there will be error reporting telling me the errors in my php script. However when i run it on Apache with the same script with errors, there is no error reporting, it just show me HTTP 500 Internal error(Page cannot be display).


So I guess is some configuration in Apache that i didn't set. Can someone help me? Thank in advance.

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The error log is showing the php script error reporting, that suppose to print in the IE. But the error only show in the error log and not in IE. Do you know where to set it, so that the error reporting is shown on the IE and not just display HTTP 500.


Thanks a lot.

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I have disable the "show friendly error messages", instead of shoing me the HTTP 500, now it show me a blank white page and the error is still showing in the error log only.


Btw, I'm using dreamweaver CS3, could it be the IDE problem?


Just to confirm, will I get the same error reporting message shown in IIS on apache when there is an error in my php script.



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oh thanks, the error reporting is showing up.


But when i run the error script e.g list.php, instead of showing the error for the list.php, it creates a temp file TMP4hiy6oyiec.php in the same folder as list.php. The error is shown base on TMP4hiy6oyiec.php which is the duplication of list.php with my CSS code and i have to refer to that temp file for the error of list.php


So I'm wondering is it the error reporting result that i will get from apache or is there a way to have the error reporting shown base on the same php script without the temp file.



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But when i run the error script e.g list.php, instead of showing the error for the list.php, it creates a temp file TMP4hiy6oyiec.php in the same folder as list.php.


That sounds like some sort of IDE issue. Are you previewing these files directly through Dreamweaver?

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