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Would you Put powerful data in a session as a means of authorisation..



For example, I have a script that queries the users username and see's if there member group is about 3


If it is I know they are a moderator


however, would be much easier to jsut have a session with the data moderator=yes inside it for example


Is there anyway that can be taken advantage of by a malicious user?


From what I know sessions are really secure as they are stored server side but would it be something you would try and avoid or is it something ok to go ahead with?

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I tend to limit the amount of data in my sessions to the username / id and if they're logged in or not.  I don't think there's any extra security gained from this, but it allows me to only have to worry about updating information in one place.


Here's a hypothetical situation for you.  You have an admin user that is abusing their privileges.  The super-user logs in and demotes them to non-admin.  Now, if each page load is reading the user's status from the DB then they immediately lose their privileges.  If you have their role / status stored in a session then it won't take affect until they log out, which means they can continuously abuse their privileges even though the super-user has revoked them.

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Yeh I was just thinking that, unless I removed there session file from the server?


How can you locate a users session if I have root access. Any idea..


I suppose one why would be to put the session ID in there database row.. maybe an easier way?

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