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<a href='http://www.getyourlinkon.net' target='_blank'>www.getyourlinkon.net</a>




tell me if you find any errors, the first time you go there it takes a minute to load, i have to work with the server people about that... if you know why please tell me. if you have any ideas or if you find errors please tell me, thanks.

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Cross Site Scripting:



Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting if the auth cookie contains code.


Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting if the Expect header contains code.


Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting on the Links page if the fields contain 'code.


Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting on the Request a Link page if the fields contain 'code.


Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting when you register if the fields contain 'code.


Directory Transversal:



Directory Transversal:

You can make txt files in any directory by registering with the username set to ../filename.


Directory Transversal:

You can make txt files in any directory by requesting a link with the title set to ../filename.


Full Path Disclosure:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: scandir() in /homepages/8/d218498496/htdocs/test.php on line 3


Insecure Cookie:

You shouldn't put the username in the cookie.


PHP Source Code Disclosure:


echo "<html>
      CONTENT='5; URL=index.php'>


You can log in as any user by setting the auth cookie to their username.


You can make txt files in http://www.getyourlinkon.net/members/ by registering with the username set to the filename.


You can make txt files in http://www.getyourlinkon.net/request/ by requesting a link with the title set to the filename.

Responcible -> Responsible.


If you fill in the reg form incorrectly, it leads you to a blank white page with the error.... Perhaps have it show the form below the error or something.  (Just personal preference)


If you put a quote into a profile field (well... I tested single quote actually), it's escaping it. \'


You should never expect anything client side to be correct....


You're sending the file name to the client as a hidden field on the edit profile page, and that's editable.  If I was in a mean mood, I might try to replace your index.php ;p.


Consider keeping the username in a session variable and then using that for the file name, not something sent to the client side and then sent back.


I see that the topic is solved, so maybe you're working on this stuff, but I just thought you should know ;p.

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