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[SOLVED] Question about Classes


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I've been using classes recently and I've learnt about $this->variable, and $this->function(). However, whilst learning MVC, I've seen some examples of $this->foo->function(); - Can anybody tell me what this is?


I am assuming it is a type of "sub-function", but I'm not sure how to use it.


Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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That would refer to a member function of an object that is referenced through a variable of the calling object.


class a
   $foo = new b()

class b


Then at some point in class a code you could have the line


$this is a pseudo variable that references itself so within an object of type a this code would call function()  on $foo which is a reference to an object of type b.

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I am sorry. I don't really understand your post. However, my efforts based on your brief have progressed as follows:


  class Foo {
    function foobar() {
      echo 'foobarbom.';
  $fooInstance = new Foo;
  echo '<br />';
  class Bar {
    function test() {
      echo $this->fooInstance->foobar();
  $barInstance = new Bar;



The error it is giving me is "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in..." I am sorry I don't know what is a member function. Googling it did not find much. Do you mind giving me a brief example?


Thanks in advance.

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Basically your creating a class variable inside another class and then calling one of it's methods, but it's a sub object remember, therefore the double '->'. The naming should give you a clue, e.g. foo


class a

function test()
	echo "i'm saying hi from 'a'<br>";

class b
$y = 99;
$foo = new a();	//	create a new var

$x = new b();

echo $x->y;

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You probably mean object chaining (works only with php5 or greater), an example:


class text
    public $str;

    function str($str)
        $this->str = $str;

        return $this;

    function bold()
        $this->str = '<b>' . $this->str . '</b>';

        return $this;

    function size($size)
        $this->str = '<font style="font-size: ' . $size . 'px;">' . $this->str . '</font>';

        return $this;

    function __destruct()
        echo $this->str;

$txt = 'hello world!';

$text = new text;

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Thanks guys. I'm using PHP 4 so I had to edit it a little.


Here's my working test for those who are interested (others who see this topic):


  class Foo {
    function test() {
      echo 'Hello world!';
  class Bar {
    var $x = 1;
    var $y;
    function Bar() {
    $this->y = new Foo;
  $foobar = new Bar;
  echo $foobar->x;
  echo $foobar->y->test();


Thanks! Topic Solved!

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