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[SOLVED] ANOTHER if statement.


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SO SORRY everyone. This is THE LAST error of my script. I have an if statemnt that is not working. What I would like to happen, is the rows from the mysql database being echoed if they have the same fitness rating as the person who filled in the form with a 2 point leaway. $rat is the variable for the person who entered the form. $ratin was pulled from the database. This is my source code:-

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); 
$poo  = "SELECT name, age, sex, exercise, music, fitness FROM aida";
$result = mysql_query($poo);
$rat = $_POST["rating"];
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
    $name = $row[0];
    $age = $row[1];
    $sex = $row[2];
$exercise = $row[3];
$music = $row[4];
$ratin = $row[5];

if ($ratin == $rat) {
echo "Name :$name <br>" .
         "Age Group : $age <br>" . 
         "Sex : $sex <br><br>".
	 "Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>" .
	 "Favourite Music : $music <br>" .
	 "Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
} elseif ($ratin == $rat + 1) {
echo "Name :$name <br>" .
         "Age Group : $age <br>" . 
         "Sex : $sex <br><br>".
	 "Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>" .
	 "Favourite Music : $music <br>" .
	 "Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
} elseif ($ratin == $rat + 2) {
echo "Name :$name <br>" .
         "Age Group : $age <br>" . 
         "Sex : $sex <br><br>".
	 "Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>" .
	 "Favourite Music : $music <br>" .
	 "Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
} elseif ($ratin == $rat - 1) {
echo "Name :$name <br>" .
         "Age Group : $age <br>" . 
         "Sex : $sex <br><br>".
	 "Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>" .
	 "Favourite Music : $music <br>" .
	 "Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
} elseif ($ratin == $rat - 2) {
echo "Name :$name <br>" .
         "Age Group : $age <br>" . 
         "Sex : $sex <br><br>".
	 "Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>" .
	 "Favourite Music : $music <br>" .
	 "Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
<body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, EndColorStr='#003399', StartColorStr='#FFFFFF');">

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To many if/elses for such a simple thing.


$ok_vals = array(($rat - 2), ($rat - 1), $rat, ($rat + 1), ($rat + 2));

if (in_array($ratin,$ok_vals)) {
    echo "Name :$name <br>Age Group : $age <br>Sex : $sex <br><br>Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>Favourite Music : $music <br>Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 

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it still won't work! i think it does need to be in an array.

this is the edited code so far!

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); 
$poo  = "SELECT name, age, sex, exercise, music, fitness FROM aida";
$result = mysql_query($poo);
$rat = $_POST["rating"];
$ok_vals = array(($rat - 2), ($rat - 1), $rat, ($rat + 1), ($rat + 2));
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
    $name = $row[0];
    $age = $row[1];
    $sex = $row[2];
    $exercise = $row[3];
    $music = $row[4];
    $rating = $row[5];
if (in_array($rating,$ok_vals)) {
    echo "Name :$name <br>Age Group : $age <br>Sex : $sex <br><br>Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>Favourite Music : $music <br>Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ; 
<body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, EndColorStr='#003399', StartColorStr='#FFFFFF');">

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let's see what values we're looking at, if you like. add the else as below:


if (in_array($rating,$ok_vals)) {

    echo "Name :$name <br>Age Group : $age <br>Sex : $sex <br><br>Exercise (per week) : $exercise <br>Favourite Music : $music <br>Fitness Rating : $rating <br>" ;

} else { // Add this else

    echo "NOT in_array: ".$rating."<BR>";

    echo "Array: ";




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i didn't think so.

i might cancel that whole function in a minute!

it just won't work! the gradient background still comes up. and im sure i had an unexpected t_string error come up before. wierd. any other suggestions very welcome. i have to go. ill be on later. thanks for all help so far!

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I am going to post the whole of my script, if that might help.

Here is index.html, the form that the user submits the information through:-

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
  <style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-family: "Trebuchet MS"}
.style5 {font-family: "Trebuchet MS"; color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold; }
#Layer1 {
left: 469px;
top: 74px;
   <meta content="MSHTML 6.00.6000.16525" name="GENERATOR" />
<body style="FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#003399', EndColorStr='#FFFFFF')">
   <form id="quiz" name="quiz" action="results.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
     <table width="391" border="0">
           <td width="131"><span class="style5">Name:</span></td>
           <td width="144">
            <input id="name" name="name" /></td>
           <td class="style5">Age Group: </td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="age" name="age"> 
                <option value="0-15">0-15</option> 
                <option value="16-30">16-30</option> 
                <option value="31-45">31-45</option> 
                <option value="46-60">46-60</option> 
                <option value="60+">60+</option>
              </select> </span></td>
             <p class="style5">Email:</p></td>
            <input id="email" name="email" /></td>
           <td><span class="style5">Sex:</span></td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="sex" name="sex"> 
                <option value="Male">Male</option> 
                <option value="Female">Female</option>
              </select> </span></td>
           <td><span class="style5">Exercise per week:</span></td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="exercise" name="exercise"> 
                <option value="0 Hours">Never</option> 
                <option value="1 Hours">Once</option> 
                <option value="2 Hours">Twice</option> 
                <option value="3 Hours">3 Times</option> 
                <option value="4 Hours">4 Times</option> 
                <option value="5 Hours Or More">5+ Times</option>
              </select> </span></td>
           <td><span class="style5">Are you good at dancing?</span></td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="dancing" name="dancing"> 
                <option value="Not A Very Good Dancer">I'm Not Very Good</option> 
                <option value="A Good Dancer">I'm Quite Good</option> 
                <option value="OK at Danicng">I'm OK</option>
              </select> </span></td>
           <td class="style5">What music do you like? </td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="music" name="music"> 
                <option value="Rock">Rock</option> 
                <option value="Heavy Metal">Heavy Metal</option> 
                <option value="Indie">Indie</option> 
                <option value="Rap">Rap</option> 
                <option value="Classical">Classical</option> 
                <option value="Dance">Dance</option> 
                <option value="Pop">Pop</option> 
                <option value="Jazz and Blues">Jazz and Blues</option> 
                <option value="Urban">Urban</option>
              </select> </span></td>
           <td><span class="style5">What do you think of parties? </span></td>
           <td><span class="style1">
              <select id="party" name="party"> 
                <option value="Loves Parties">I Love Parties</option> 
                <option value="Hates Parties">I Hate Parties</option> 
                <option value="Thinks Parties Are OK">I think Parties are OK</option>
              </select> </span></td>
     <table width="391" border="0">
             <div align="center">
              <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /> </div></td>
     <p> </p>

Here is results.php which redirects them to compare.php through a button whilst passign variables:-

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); 
$name = $_GET["name"];
$age = $_GET["age"];
$email = $_GET["email"];
$sex = $_GET["sex"];
$exercise = $_GET["exercise"];
$dancing = $_GET["dancing"];
$party = $_GET["party"];
$rating = $_POST["rating"]; 
if ($exercise == '0 Hours') {
$fit1 = 0;
} elseif ($exercise == '1 Hours') {    
    $fit1 = 1;
} elseif ($exercise == '2 Hours') {
    $fit1 = 2;
} elseif ($exercise == '3 Hours') {
    $fit1 = 3;
} elseif ($exercise == '4 Hours') {
    $fit1 = 4;
} else {
    $fit1 = 5;
if ($dancing == 'Not A Very Good Dancer') {
    $fit2 = 0;
} elseif ($dancing == 'OK at Danicng') {
    $fit2 = 1;
} else {
    $fit2 = 2;
if($party == 'Hates Parties') {
    $fit3 = 0;
} elseif ($party == 'Thinks Parties Are OK') {
    $fit3 = 1;
} else {
    $fit3 = 2;
$rating = $fit1 + $fit2 + $fit3;
$query = "INSERT INTO aida VALUES ('','$name','$age','$email','$sex','$exercise','$dancing','music','$party','$rating')";
echo "Thank you $name for singing up. Your fitness level was $rating."
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
font-family: "Trebuchet MS";
color: #FF0000;
font-weight: bold;
<body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, EndColorStr='#003399', StartColorStr='#FFFFFF');">
<form action="compare.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1">
<input name="rating" type="hidden" id="rating" value="<? echo"$rating" ?>">
  <input name="Compare Results" type="submit" id="Compare Results" value="Compare Results">
<p class="style1"> </p>

Here is compare.php, the one I've been having problems with:-

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); 
$poo  = "SELECT name, age, sex, exercise, music, fitness FROM aida";
$result = mysql_query($poo);
$rat = $_POST["rating"];
$ok_vals = array(($rat - 2), ($rat - 1), $rat, ($rat + 1), ($rat + 2));
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
    $name = $row[0];
    $age = $row[1];
    $sex = $row[2];
    $exercise = $row[3];
    $music = $row[4];
    $rating = $row[5];

if (in_array($rating,$ok_vals)) {
    echo "Name :$name 
    Age Group : $age 
    Sex : $sex 
    Exercise (per week) : $exercise 
    Favourite Music : $music 
    Fitness Rating : $rating" ; 
} else {
    echo "NOT in_array: ".$rating."<BR>";
    echo "Array: ";
<body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, EndColorStr='#003399', StartColorStr='#FFFFFF');">

Here is dbinfo.inc.php, the file that has the database info:-


Lastly here is my mysql database, (I have entered the form a few times to make sure results come up):-

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: mysql
-- Generation Time: Sep 30, 2007 at 08:13 AM
-- Server version: 5.0.45
-- PHP Version: 5.2.4
-- Database: `4138_aida`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `aida`

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `age` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
  `sex` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `exercise` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `dancing` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `music` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `party` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `rating` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `aida`

INSERT INTO `aida` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `email`, `sex`, `exercise`, `dancing`, `music`, `party`, `rating`) VALUES (54, 'kjgjkyuf', '0-15', 'itkuikki', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(53, 'ryrtk', '0-15', 'ghluyjyu', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(52, 'fdzgshg', '0-15', 'dfjhfg', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(51, 'jhchfxdghdihoghk', '0-15', 'fjhjujfykhgh', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(50, 'RHTEH', '0-15', 'HRYHRJR', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(49, 'erhetyjtyfdety', '0-15', 'ethyyjejnj', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(48, 'rth4tyjr', '0-15', 'yheyjhyrt', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(47, 'dytjuyk', '0-15', 'rjtnyj', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(46, 'fdzgshg', '0-15', 'dfjhfg', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(45, 'dfhfj', '0-15', 'djgghdf', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(44, 'HFFK', '0-15', 'GFDJF', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(43, 'jhchfxdghdihoghk', '0-15', 'fjhjujfykhgh', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(42, 'jhchfxdghdiho', '0-15', 'fjhjujfy', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(41, 'jhchfxdghd', '0-15', 'fjhjujfy', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(40, 'jhchfxdghd', '0-15', 'fjhjujfy', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2'),
(55, 'rtyrjh', '0-15', 'ryhrh', 'Male', '0 Hours', 'Not A Very Good Danc', 'music', 'Loves Parties', '2');

Any suggestions EXTREMELY welcome? P.S- There is probably a million errors!

Thanks In Advance,


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Your code did work. I was pulling the wrong column from the database. Everything now works perfect Thanks very much. If I add to it later, I'll be sure to be asking for help! I'm going to go down to a library and take out some books instead of wasting your time! Thanks again! mcdof001

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