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Sessions (Warning: Excessive Errors)


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Ok, First off, I guarantee there will be several 100 errors. I'm half asleep and trying to get this done for a school project. Basically, this is a user authentication system that starts a session if you enter a username and password if they're correct, and doesn't start a session if you enter the wrong ones, or you didn't (IE, you just went to the page by accident). The problem is, when I Type this in, everything below the code on the page disappears. NOTE: I added comments to show what stuff does.



// Include DataBase for Connection.



// If the user hasn't posted a username and pass, I.E. He isn't logging in...

if(!$user || !$pass){

// And if there isn't a login session...

if(!isset($_SESSION['loginusr'] || $_SESSION['loginpass']){

// And the Message is this:

$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

$error = "Login Failed.";

// Otherwise


// If there IS a session, the message is this:

$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];

$error = 'You are already logged in!';


// Or, if a username and password HAS been entered...

// Get all entries from 'members' table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `members`';
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql);

// If our username and password match one of the entries...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlresult)) {
if($user == $row['username'] && sha1($pass) = $row['password']){
// Create the Sessions
$_SESSION['loginusr'] = $user;
$_SESSION['loginpass'] = sha1($pass);

// And these are the messages!
$error = "Login Successful!";
$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];


// Otherwise, output an error.
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

// If the user is trying to log out..
if($_GET['logout'] == "true"){

// Destroy the session
$user = "";
$pass = "";
header("Location: ?");

// And the messages are...
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

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// Set Vars
$user = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];

// Include DataBase for Connection.



// If the user hasn't posted a username and pass, I.E. He isn't logging in...

if(!$user || !$pass){

// And if there isn't a login session...

if(!isset($_SESSION['loginusr'] || $_SESSION['loginpass']){

// And the Message is this:

$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

$error = "Login Failed.";

print "no sess";

// Otherwise


// If there IS a session, the message is this:

$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];

$error = 'You are already logged in!';

print "yes sess";


// Or, if a username and password HAS been entered...

// Get all entries from 'members' table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `members`';
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql);

// If our username and password match one of the entries...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlresult)) {
if($user == $row['username'] && sha1($pass) = $row['password']){
// Create the Sessions
$_SESSION['loginusr'] = $user;
$_SESSION['loginpass'] = sha1($pass);

// And these are the messages!
$error = "Login Successful!";
$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];

print "made sess";


// Otherwise, output an error.
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

print "inc sess";

// If the user is trying to log out..
if($_GET['logout'] == "true"){

// Destroy the session
$user = "";
$pass = "";
header("Location: ?");

// And the messages are...
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

"logout sess";


Added some prints to test what works.

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For starters, stop bumping every 5 minutes.


Put "error_reporting(E_ALL);" in the start of your code if you're having issues, and it will probably give you an idea of where it's missing out.


Is there some reason why are you pulling the entire table into an array and searching that instead just pulling the one record with your query?


You did

// Get all entries from 'members' table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `members`';
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql);



// Get matching entry from 'members' table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE username='.$user.' AND password='.sha1($pass);
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql);


Also, mysql_real_escape_string() your $_POST['user'] and $_POST['pass'].


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No luck. A) Error reporting showed nothing, b) current code:




// Set Vars
$userna = $_POST['user'];
$passwo = $_POST['pass'];

$user = mysql_escape_string($userna);
$pass = mysql_escape_string($passwo);

// Include DataBase for Connection.



// If the user hasn't posted a username and pass, I.E. He isn't logging in...

if(!$user || !$pass){

// And if there isn't a login session...

if(!isset($_SESSION['loginusr'] || $_SESSION['loginpass']){

// And the Message is this:

$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

$error = "Login Failed.";

print "no sess";

// Otherwise


// If there IS a session, the message is this:

$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];

$error = 'You are already logged in!';

print "yes sess";


// Or, if a username and password HAS been entered...

// Get all entries from 'members' table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE username='. $user .' AND password='. sha1($pass);
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql);

// If our username and password match one of the entries...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlresult)) {
if($user == $row['username'] && sha1($pass) = $row['password']){
// Create the Sessions
$_SESSION['loginusr'] = $user;
$_SESSION['loginpass'] = sha1($pass);

// And these are the messages!
$error = "Login Successful!";
$message = 'Hello, '. $_SESSION['loginusr'];

print "made sess";


// Otherwise, output an error.
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

print "inc sess";

// If the user is trying to log out..
if($_GET['logout'] == "true"){

// Destroy the session
$user = "";
$pass = "";
header("Location: ?");

// And the messages are...
$error = "Username and Password Incorrect";
$message = "You are not logged in. <a href=login.php>Log In</a> or Register.";

"logout sess";

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