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Dynamic form processing


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Im writing a script for processing a form created by a csv file.


this form is created through a loop, where $num is the place in the loop.

<select id=menu$num name=menu$num><option value=default$num SELECTED>$desc</option>
<option value=option1_$num>Option 1</option>
<option value=option2_$num>Option 2</option>
<option value=option3_$num>Option 3</option>
<option value=option4_$num>Option 4</option>
<option value=option5_$num>Option 5</option>
<option value=option6_$num>Option 6</option>
<option value=option7_$num>Option 7</option>
<option value=option8_$num>Option 8</option>

now im trying to get the data out of the $_POST variable


now i need to run a loop to get the data out of $_POST.

something like


for ($i=0;$i<num;$i++){
$menu[$i] = $_POST['menu'[$i]]; // where $i is the place in the loop eg menu0 = option1_0 menu1 = option1_1


im not too sure if there is a way to do this or if its as simple as i have posted.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Your doing it the hard way.

Make the select statement a value, and just grab the value

(they can only select one option).


<select name="whatever[]">

<option value="value 1">yep</option>

<option value="value 2">Nope</option>


Then grab in the php

$var = $_POST['whatever'];


is that what you were wondering?

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Sorry I left 2 fields off the form.


<select id=menu$num name=menu$num><option value=default$num SELECTED>$desc</option>
<option value=option1_$num>Option 1</option>
<option value=option2_$num>Option 2</option>
<option value=option3_$num>Option 3</option>
<option value=option4_$num>Option 4</option>
<option value=option5_$num>Option 5</option>
<option value=option6_$num>Option 6</option>
<option value=option7_$num>Option 7</option>
<option value=option8_$num>Option 8</option>
<input type=text name=deb$num value=\"$var1[$num]\" style=color:FF0000 readonly=yes>
<input type=text name=cred$num value=\"$var2[$num]\" readonly=yes>


That is kind of what i want to do.

but the <option value="value 1">yep</option> is generated by a csv file so there could be 5 or 500 values.

I need to be able to distinguish between each value$i in $_POST.



I wanted to add some more information.


I need to do something like


for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
if ($menu[$i] = $option$[1]){
$total += $var[$i]

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If it's in the select then they can only choose one.

So if you are saving it in an array as i showed,then no matter WHAT is in it

it'll pass the right variable.

Actually wait, that won't work.

<select name="whatever">

// now put all your options



Whatever is selected is available via

$_POST['whatever'] no matter what.

Or am I understanding you wrong?

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You are confusing me, so let me just offer what I see.

Just a few points is all I can offer until I understand better.

<select id=menu$num name=menu$num><option value=default$num SELECTED>$desc</option>

<option value=option1_$num>Option 1</option>

<option value=option2_$num>Option 2</option>

<option value=option3_$num>Option 3</option>

<option value=option4_$num>Option 4</option>

<option value=option5_$num>Option 5</option>

<option value=option6_$num>Option 6</option>

<option value=option7_$num>Option 7</option>

<option value=option8_$num>Option 8</option>


<input type=text name=deb$num value=\"$var1[$num]\" style=color:FF0000 readonly=yes>

<input type=text name=cred$num value=\"$var2[$num]\" readonly=yes>

The deb$num part it's happening.

You have to have the $num inside php tags, and the point is it has to be populates.

If this is coming from the db as you said then it's goign to be a paid with the $num all over the

place because you can't tell what it is, you have no way of accessing cred without knowing what

num is.

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<select id=menu$num name=menu$num><option value=default$num SELECTED>$desc</option>

<option value=option1_$num>Option 1</option>

<option value=option2_$num>Option 2</option>

<option value=option3_$num>Option 3</option>

<option value=option4_$num>Option 4</option>

<option value=option5_$num>Option 5</option>

<option value=option6_$num>Option 6</option>

<option value=option7_$num>Option 7</option>

<option value=option8_$num>Option 8</option>

</select> and the rest of the form.

is all within a echo line so it is within php tags.

and there is a hidden field with the value of $num so after i press submit i know that $num=61 (just as an example)

there for i know that I need to get $var10 $var11 $var12 etc upto $var161 the same with $var20 $var21 and $menu0 $menu1.


and yes i have $num everwhere.


do you want me to post the output from $_POST


and Thank you for the speedy replys.

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This code creates the form. $fp is the file

	echo "<form action=totals.php method=post>";
echo "<table border=1 cellspace=0 cellpadding=0 bordercolor=#000000 align=center width=1000>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center>Westpac Banking Corporation</td></tr>";
$num = 0;
while (($line = fgetcsv($fp, 1024, ",")) !== FALSE){
	$debit = $line[3];
	$credit = $line[4];
	$deb1 += $line[3];
	$cred1 += $line[4];
	$deb[$num] = $debit;
	$cred[$num] = $credit;
	$date = $line[1];
	$desc = $line[2];
	echo "<tr><td> $date </td><td><select id=menu$num name=menu$num><option value=default$num SELECTED>$desc</option><option value=income$num>Personal income</option><option value=other$num>Other income</option><option value=household$num>Household Spending</option><option value=services$num>Services</option><option value=vehicle$num>Motor Vehicle</option><option value=rent_mort$num>Rent/Mortage</option><option value=business$num>Business Costs</option><option value=insurance$num>Insurances</option></select></td><td valign=center> <input type=text name=deb$num value=\"$deb[$num]\" style=color:FF0000 readonly=yes></td><td valign=center> <input type=text name=cred$num value=\"$cred[$num]\" readonly=yes></td><td valign=center><input id=annual$num type=checkbox name=annual$num></td></tr>\n";
balances($deb1, $cred1);
echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center><input type=hidden name=num value=\"$num\"><input type=submit value=\"Submit\" name=submit id=submit></form></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";


and here is the code to process the form.


$num = $_POST['num'];
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++){
$menu[$i] = $_POST[menu$i]; // this is where im having problems, pulling the value of menu0 menu1 menu2 etc out of the array $_POST same for $cred[$i] and $deb[$i]
      if ($menu[$i] = $income[$i]){
      $personal_income += $cred[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $other[$i]) {
	$other_income += $cred[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $household[$i]) {
	$household_exp += $deb[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $services[$i]) {
	$services_exp += $deb[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $vehicle[$i]) {
	$vehicle_exp += $deb[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $rent_mort[$i]) {
	$rent_mortage += $deb[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $business[$i]) {
	$business_exp += $deb[$i];
elseif ($menu[$i] = $insurance[$i]) {
	$insurance_exp += $deb[$i];

echo "Number of entries $num <br>";
echo "Personal Income : \$$personal_income<br>";


its supposed to loop through the $_POST array and seperate all the values and then add them togeather depending on the selection made from the form. using the values in $cred and $deb.

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