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pagination in two columns on one page


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Hello, I want to be able to paginate my rows in two columns on one page i.e.


Column 1 Column 2

row 0    row 5

row 1    row 6

row 2    row 7

row 3    row 8

row 4    row 9


<<Prev 12345 Next>>


This is the code I use. I found it and on Google, tweaked it and it works great.



include 'dbmembers.php'; 

    $page = 1; 
} else { 
    $page = $_GET['page']; 

$max_results = 30; 

$from = (($page * $max_results) - $max_results);  

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE status='active' LIMIT $from, $max_results"); 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ 
echo "$row[last_name]  $row[first_name] 

$total_results = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as Num FROM allmembers WHERE status='active'"),0); 

$total_pages = ceil($total_results / $max_results); 

echo "<p align=\"center\">Select a Page<br />"; 

if($page > 1){ 
    $prev = ($page - 1); 
    echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?page=$prev\">« Previous </a>"; 

for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++){ 
    if(($page) == $i){ 
        echo "$i "; 
        } else { 
            echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?page=$i\">$i</a> "; 

if($page < $total_pages){ 
    $next = ($page + 1); 
    echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?page=$next\">Next »</a>"; 
echo "</p>"; 


Thanks in advance for any help. I have been working on this for a bout a week on and off with no success.

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echo "<tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
	echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "<td>$row[last_name]  $row[first_name]</td>";
echo "</tr>";


The pagination is done by the query, so the column display is actually a seperate thing.

I've done it before, but can't find the code.

I think the code above is the right idea though.

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yes but it takes alot of process



when you loop to have something like this

1 3

2 4

basically what you will get in normal process is

1 2

3 4

because of the <td> or <tr> if your going to table that


so to obatain that i guess you have to hae a loop where in you will get those fist two and the secont 2 results. and you have to have another loop that will combine them something like


get the first element wich is 1 and get the second elemnt which is 3 then combine then


that how i see it i dont know if theres still better way

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OK, sorry, i didn't pay enough attention.


hmmmm, could you just put them in 2 tables?

count the results - mysql_num_rows()

round the number down - $col1 = floor(mysql_num_rows())

build single column table until $col1 number of records, then build 2nd table to the right with the remaining records.


Just a quick brainstorm, does it make sense to anyone but me?

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