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[SOLVED] SQL - Help!


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Whats wrong with this picture?


$sql = "SELECT a.city AS $city_details1, a.state_prefix AS $state1, b.city AS $city_details2, b.state_prefix AS $state2 FROM zip_code WHERE a.zip_code='$zip1' AND b.zip_code='$zip2'";
$city_details1 = mysql_query($sql['a.city']);
$city_details2 = mysql_query($sql['b.city']);
$state = mysql_query($sql['a.state_prefix']);
$state = mysql_query($sql['b.state_prefix']);


$zip1 & $zip2 are already echoed on page and have a value. They are results from another page with a form.

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yoiur treating $sql as an array but it isn;t try this



$query = mysql_query"SELECT a.city AS $city_details1, a.state_prefix AS $state1, b.city AS $city_details2, b.state_prefix AS $state2 FROM zip_code WHERE a.zip_code='$zip1' AND b.zip_code='$zip2'";

$city_details1 = $sql['a.city'];
$city_details2 = $sql['b.city'];
$state = $sql['a.state_prefix'];
$state = $sql['b.state_prefix'];


if you have multiple records returned from your query then you would need


while ($sql=mysql_fetch_array($query)) {


but would have to change other things also




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cheers for that barand didnt see that


monkey try this

$query = mysql_query"SELECT a.city AS `city_details1`, a.state_prefix AS `state1`, b.city AS `city_details2`, a.state_prefix AS `state1`, b.state_prefix AS `state2` FROM zip_code WHERE a.zip_code='$zip1' AND b.zip_code='$zip2'";

$city_details1 = $sql['city_details1'];
$city_details2 = $sql['city_details2'];
$state = $sql['state1'];
$state = $sql['state2'];






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Try this


$query = mysql_query("SELECT a.city AS `city_details1`, a.state_prefix AS `state1`, b.city AS `city_details2`, b.state_prefix AS `state2` FROM zip_code WHERE a.zip_code='$zip1' AND b.zip_code='$zip2'") or die('Error in query: '.mysql_error());

$city_details1 = $sql['city_details1'];
$city_details2 = $sql['city_details2'];
$state = $sql['state1'];
$state = $sql['state2'];




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i can pretty much get a result if i just use this:


$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `zip_code` WHERE city=city AND state_prefix=state_prefix AND zip_code='$zip1' ';

$city_details1 = $sql['city'];


But what i am trying to do is get more than one result. One for $zip1 and another for $zip2.

This is why i used a and b in a.city=city_details1 and b.city.



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Table Name = zip_code


Table Feilds:

zip_code      //This field is OK zip_code='$zip1' or zip_code='$zip2'




When i define the zip_code as zip_code='$zip1' ... zip1 is echoed from the current page and has a value of whatever zip code the user has entered in the form. Same goes for zip2.


What i am trying to do is get city and state_prefix data for a defined zip_code from database.


In other words, when a user submits a form and needs info for zip code 90255 the zip code is echoed on the results page thus giving me $zip1=90255. The query is then to retrieve data for this zip code such as city and state abrreviated.

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This is the original code, but all i need out of this is zip_code, city and state_prefix


$sql = "SELECT lat AS lattitude, lon AS longitude, city, county, state_prefix, 
              state_name, area_code, time_zone
              FROM zip_code 
              WHERE zip_code='$zip'";
      $r = mysql_query($sql);
      if (!$r) {
         $this->last_error = mysql_error();
         return false;
      } else {
         $row = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC);
         return $row;       

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Now thats what i was looking for. I got it to work by doing this:

$sql = "SELECT city, state_prefix FROM `zip_code` WHERE zip_code='$zip1' ";
$sql2 = "SELECT city, state_prefix FROM `zip_code` WHERE zip_code='$zip2' ";

$res = mysql_query($sql);
$res2 = mysql_query($sql2);

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);

$city_details1 = $row['city'];
$city_details2 = $row2['city'];
$state1 = $row['state_prefix'];
$state2 = $row2['state_prefix'];


This gives me a result city and state_prefix for both  zip1 and zip2. Im sure there is an easier way, but right now i'll take what i got. LOL!

Thank a bunch!

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$sql = "SELECT city, state_prefix FROM zip_code
         WHERE zip_code IN ('$zip1', '$zip2') ";
$res = mysql_query($sql);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
    echo "City : " . $row['city'] . '<br/>';
    echo "State : " . $row['state_prefix'] . '<br/>';

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