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Add to basket... Opinions wanted pls.


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Hi all, I am designing a job website at the moment. I need to put a feature in that has "add this to MY JOBS" - whats the best way to do this to even store it for the visit or maybe to their account?


Also how can we write a wysiwyg textarea to a db and have to produce the Rich Text Format when the data is called?




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Smoking! 9,000 posts!!!


I'm a super novice php guy - I know html and css very well but I'm getting there with php.


I need the job to be saved for 30 days to their account! I'm really new to this but I know I can learn it fast and do it. Whats the best way to do this pls?


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Thats fair enough but I once spent an hr and half writing an extremely complex css floating menu for someone... so maybe just MAYBE someone will give me the pointers and or code needed! Ya never know until ya ask!


Ok so I need to write it to a db? Could you elaborate?

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All you really need do is create a table (userjobs) with two fields, uname and job. Then, for each job a user adds, add a new record. eg;


INSERT INTO userjobs (uname,job) VALUES ('foo','writter');


Then, to list all jobs for user foo....


SELECT jobs FROM userjobs WHERE uname = 'foo';

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You simply have a link that points to the script which executes the query. Something like...


<a href='addjob.php?jobid=writter'>add job</a>


Assuming your users are already logged in using sessions you would then retrieve the users id from the $_SESSION array and the job id from the $_POST array and place them in your query and execute it.

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