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This is my code:

$image_info = array(
'image' => '500150bg.gif'
function GetWPData ($columnname, $limit) {
$q = mysql_query("SELECT `post_date`, `post_title` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE (post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish') ORDER BY `wp_posts`.`post_date` DESC LIMIT 0,$limit");
$num = mysql_numrows($q);
while ($i < $num) {
$rows = mysql_result($q,$i,"$columnname");
$array["$i"] = $rows;
return $array;
function RearrangeDate ($var, $format) {
foreach ($var as $td) {
$date = substr($td, 0, 10);
$y = substr($date, 0, 4);
$m = substr($date, 5, 2);
$d = substr($date, 8, 2);
$array["$i"] = $format;
return $array;
function RearrangeTime ($var, $format) {
foreach ($var as $td) {
$time = substr($td, 11, ;
$h = substr($time, 0, 2);
$m = substr($time, 3, 2);
$s = substr($time, 6, 2);
$array["$i"] = $format;
return $array;
function MakeArray () {
while ($i < $num) {
$text["$i"] = $td_format["$i"].' - '. $p_title["$i"];
return $text;
// ########## START OPTIONS ##########
// Time Options
$h = $lt[tm_hour]; // DON'T EDIT
$m = $lt[tm_min]; // DON'T EDIT
$s = $lt[tm_sec]; // DON'T EDIT
$t = "$h:$m"; // Local/Post Time Format, $h = hours, $m = minutes, $s = seconds.
$tz = '__REMOVED__'; // Your nearest timezone chosen from the list at www.php.net/timezones
$lt = localtime(time(), true); // DON'T EDIT
$ld_format = "d/m/Y"; // Local Date Format, d = days, m = months, Y = years.
$d = date($ld_format); // DON'T EDIT
$pd_format = "$d/$m/$y"; // Post Date Format, $d = day, $m = month, $y = year.
$td_format = "$d $t"; // Time-Date Format, $d = date, $t = time.
// MySQL Options
$username = '__REMOVED__'; // Database Username.
$password = '__REMOVED__'; // Database Password.
$server = '__REMOVED__'; // Database server (most likely localhost).
$db = '__REMOVED__'; // Database Name.
// Display Options
$num = 4; // Number of Wordpress Articles to show.
// ########## END OPTIONS ##########
@mysql_select_db("$db") or die('Unable to select database');
$p_d = RearrangeDate(GetWPData('post_date',$num),$pd_format);
$p_t = RearrangeTime(GetWPData('post_date',$num),$t);
$p_title = GetWPData('post_title',$num);
$text = MakeArray();
$image_text = array(
'x' => 17,
'y' => 49,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -5,
'text' => "Latest Articles (as of $td_format):"
'x' => 17,
'y' => 65,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -4,
'text' => $text[0]
'x' => 17,
'y' => 80,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -4,
'text' => $text[1]
'x' => 17,
'y' => 95,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -4,
'text' => $text[2]
'x' => 17,
'y' => 110,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -4,
'text' => $text[3]
'x' => 17,
'y' => 124,
'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
'font' => -2,
'text' => "All times are $tz time."

It returns a result like this:


When it should return a result like this:



Can anyone see what is wrong with my code? Any problems than need to be fixd, any ways the code can be made more efficient?



(AKA Mr. PHP Newbie)

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Happy now?

$image_info = array(
'image' => '500150bg.gif'
function GetWPData ($columnname, $limit) {
$q = mysql_query("SELECT `post_date`, `post_title` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE (post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish') ORDER BY `wp_posts`.`post_date` DESC LIMIT 0,$limit");
$num = mysql_numrows($q);
while ($i < $num) {
	$rows = mysql_result($q,$i,"$columnname");
	$array["$i"] = $rows;
return	$array;
function RearrangeDate ($var, $format) {
foreach ($var as $td) {
	$date = substr($td, 0, 10);
	$y = substr($date, 0, 4);
	$m = substr($date, 5, 2);
	$d = substr($date, 8, 2);
	$array["$i"] = $format;
return $array;
function RearrangeTime ($var, $format) {
foreach ($var as $td) {
	$time = substr($td, 11, ;
	$h = substr($time, 0, 2);
	$m = substr($time, 3, 2);
	$s = substr($time, 6, 2);
	$array["$i"] = $format;
return $array;
function MakeArray () {
while ($i < $num) {
	$text["$i"] = "$td_format[$i] - $p_title[$i]";
return $text;
// ########## START OPTIONS ##########
// Time Options
$h = $lt[tm_hour]; // DON'T EDIT
$m = $lt[tm_min]; // DON'T EDIT
$s = $lt[tm_sec]; // DON'T EDIT
$t = "$h:$m"; // Local/Post Time Format, $h = hours, $m = minutes, $s = seconds.
$tz = 'Australia/Perth'; // Your nearest timezone chosen from the list at www.php.net/timezones
$lt = localtime(time(), true); // DON'T EDIT
$ld_format = "d/m/Y"; // Local Date Format, d = days, m = months, Y = years.
$d = date($ld_format); // DON'T EDIT
$pd_format = "$d/$m/$y"; // Post Date Format, $d = day, $m = month, $y = year.
$td_format = "$d $t"; // Time-Date Format, $d = date, $t = time.
// MySQL Options

// Display Options
$num = 4; // Number of Wordpress Articles to show.
//$text_format = '';
// ########## END OPTIONS ##########
@mysql_select_db("$db") or die('Unable to select database');
$p_d = RearrangeDate(GetWPData('post_date',$num),$pd_format);
$p_t = RearrangeTime(GetWPData('post_date',$num),$t);
$p_title = GetWPData('post_title',$num);
$text = MakeArray();
$image_text = array(
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 49,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -5,
	'text' => "Latest Articles (as of $td_format):"
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 65,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -4,
	'text' => $text[0]
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 80,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -4,
	'text' => $text[1]
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 95,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -4,
	'text' => $text[2]
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 110,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -4,
	'text' => $text[3]
	'x' => 17,
	'y' => 124,
	'color' => array(0, 0, 0),
	'font' => -2,
	'text' => "All times are $tz time."

Can I now please have someone actually answer my question and not comment on my indenting skills

Happy now?

Can I now please have someone actually answer my question and not comment on my indenting skills


a attitude like that isn't going to get much of a response.  ;)


your first post says this:


It returns a result like this:


When it should return a result like this:



what do the results look like?


are the results are image? or text?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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