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[SOLVED] query by year only


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I am trying to only pull rows from the db where the 'tour_date' year = the present year. Here is my query which does not work:

$queryres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE ".date('Y', tour_date)." = '".date('Y')."' ORDER by tour_date DESC", $mysql_connect);

Can someone tell me why this simple code is not pulling any results? By the way, tour_date is inserted from a form and was set up like this (if it matters)

	$day = $_POST['d'];
	$month = $_POST['m'];
	$year = $_POST['y'];

	$timeStamp = mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, $year);


Thanks in advance for any help.

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ok, if the tour_date type is mysql's date/datetime type, do this....


$queryres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE tour_date='%$year%' ORDER by tour_date DESC", $mysql_connect);


its better for you to do your querying this way :


$query= "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE tour_date='%$year%' ORDER by tour_date DESC";
$res=mysql_query($query, $mysql_connect);


try and see if it works...then, tell us.

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Same thing.

I did and echo on the $year and get 2007-, therefore all the$year.="-"; does is add a dash after the year.

tour_date is a timestamp. It looks like this in the db: 1199336400

$year will not find a match.


By the way, why do you prefer to place the db connect 'mysql_connect' on a seperate line? I have always done it the way you prefer, but recently changed to the other way. Just curious why it is better.



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$year = date('Y');
$queryres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE YEAR(tour_date) = '".$year."' ORDER by tour_date DESC", $mysql_connect);
$rowres = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryres);
$totalRowsres = mysql_num_rows($queryres);

if($totalRowsres > 0) { 
  echo $totalRowsres; 

I get 0 results when I know I have approx 7 with this year in it.


I had no clue that trying to match the tour_date to the present year was going to give me a difficult time. Maybe if I would have used Y-m-d for the tour_date instead...


Any more ideas?

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i'd back up and take a look at the data we're comparing:


SELECT YEAR(tour_date) FROM reservations


do you see proper years here? if so, then echo the $sql so we can see that too. oh, it's wrapped up in mysql_query. pull it out into it's own variable and echo:


$sql = "your sql statement";

$queryres = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo $sql;

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I removed the single quotes but still the same. It makes no sense.

Since the tour_date is a timestamp, doesn't it need to be told to strtotime or something before it will recognize that there is a year in there? something like WHERE YEAR(strtotime(0, tour_date("Y")))    or    YEAR(date('Y', tour_date))?



I did what BlueSkyIS wrote:

SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE YEAR(tour_date) = 2007 ORDER by tour_date DESC





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i'd back up and take a look at the data we're comparing:


SELECT YEAR(tour_date) FROM reservations


do you see proper years here? if so, then echo the $sql so we can see that too. oh, it's wrapped up in mysql_query. pull it out into it's own variable and echo:


$sql = "your sql statement";

$queryres = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo $sql;

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Not in the SELECT YEAR(tour_date)

but the = '".$year."' does show 2007


So, how do we pull the year out of the timestamp tour_date so that our query works?


I have tried multiple things such as

WHERE ".date('Y', tour_date)." = '".$year."'

but it does not seem to work.



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$query= "SELECT YEAR(tour_date) FROM reservations";
$res=mysql_query($query, $mysql_connect);

echo "RESULTS:<br>";
do {
echo $res;
echo "<br>";
} while ($res = mysql_fetch_assoc($query));



Resource id #7


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