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Headshake with a Query


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Hi, i have a table with this Structure:


    ID      ||    Inviter            ||      Reciever

    1      || test@test.com    ||  test1@test.com

    2      || test@test.com    ||  test2@test.com

    3      || test@test.com    ||  test3@test.com

    4      || test3@test.com  ||  test1@test.com



test@test.com has 3 invitations

test1@test.com has 2 invitations

test3@test.com has 2 invitations

test2@test.com has 1 invitation


i want an query to read the invitations made by his own inviters



test2@test.com has 1 inviter that is test@test.com(wich this one as 3), i want this query to show the other two inviters... wich are test1@test.com and test3@test.com.


This is what i've got so far but no success, i get inviters that the same inviter already as.


$testinv=mysql_query("SELECT Inviter, Reciever FROM invitations WHERE Inviter='$_SESSION[user]' OR Reciever='$_SESSION[user]' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); ////// Gets a Random Friend of him
if ($testrow['Inviter'] != $_SESSION['user']) $testrow=$dameamgdoamg1['Inviter'];
else $testrow=$testrow['Reciever']; ////// Choose the one that is not himself

$testinv1=mysql_query("SELECT Inviter, Reciever FROM invitations WHERE Inviter='$testrow' AND Inviter!='$_SESSION[user]' AND Reciever !='$_SESSION[user]' OR Reciever='$testrow' AND Inviter!='$_SESSION[user]' AND Reciever !='$_SESSION[user]'  ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); ////// Gets the Inviter of his Inviter
if ($testrow1['Inviter'] != $testrow) $testrow1=$testrow1['Inviter'];
else $testrow1=$testrow1['Reciever'];   /////// Choose the one that is not himself

echo $testrow1.' invited your inviter '.$testrow


i hope you understand where im getting, and find a way out to this headshake i have.... Thank you all  :)

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test2@test.com has 1 inviter that is test@test.com(wich this one as 3), i want this query to show the other two inviters... wich are test1@test.com and test3@test.com.


You say "the other two inviters" but test1 only appears in receivers column, so do you mean receivers, or are you working with one set of data but posting another?


example: for test3@test.com  i would get just test2@test.com


explain the logic for that statement, please

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Ohh i think there is something missing here, i will example one sitiuation that will clear everything...


I(a) invite someone(b)

but someone© invites me too(a)


So the table would be like:


    ID      ||    Inviter            ||      Reciever

    1      ||      a                ||          b

    2      ||      c                ||          a


This leaves me with 2 invitations(invited b, and got invited by c).


what i want is b getting c.


Other example more complex:



    ID      ||    Inviter            ||      Reciever

    1      ||      a                ||          b

    2      ||      c                ||          a

    3      ||      d                ||          a

    4      ||      a                ||          e

    5      ||      d                ||          c


for b i get a, d and e.

for c i get b and e.

for a i get none since he as everyone

for e i get a

for d i get a and c


Don´t matter what collumn it belongs(Inviter or Reciever).


i hope i made myself clear and you find out a way out to this mess.  :-[


Thank you very much  ;)

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