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Automatically searching an array inside an array?


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I haven't got any experience with most array functions so I'm finding it difficult to be creative. Anyway... I have an array that has multiple arrays inside it. I'm trying to find the value of each array. The problem is that I also need to know the name of the array that is in use. Heres an example of what I'm doing:


if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][AAA] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."AAA "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][GGG] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."GGG "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][bBB] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."BBB "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][MMM] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."MMM "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][CCC] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."CCC "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][EEE] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."EEE "; }
if ($arrayData[sect][TEX][0][VVV] == "A") { $ret_a = $ret_a."VVV "; }


That's a lot of code especially as I have to find out B, C and search another 7 of these. I'm probably not making any sense whatsoever but it's difficult to explain.


Basically I need to find out all the arrays inside $arrayData[sect][TEX][0], find it's value AND return the name of that array. This is being done from a live feed so I can't change the XML file unfortunately.


I can do this but 147 lines is a waste of time...


Any help appreciated!

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Array ( 
[sect] => Array (
[LLL] => Array ( 
[0] => Array 
( [CCC] => A [FFF] => A [VVV] => A [GGG] => A [EEE] => A [MMM] => E [bBB] => E ) )
[FFF] => Array (
[0] => Array ( 
[LLL] => A [GGG] => A [bBB] => N [MMM] => E [CCC] => N [EEE] => A [VVV] => A) )


That's an example of the array. I'm guessing its four-dimension?


Using the first part for LLL I need to echo the value of each (if it equals A) arrays value (like CCC) as well as the array name CCC.


The output would need be something like:


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yeah, Im guessing its more like a 2d associative array, or 3d assoc.


here's a function I made alittle while back that you could modify to select data from your array.

// Select 1 field from an Array
function select_array($array,$id,$field) {

     return $array[$id][$field]; 



Regards ACE

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Thanks for the help. Managed to come up with this. Still long but cuts the code down.


for ($x = 0; $x < 8; $x++)
$sectSel = "LLL";
	case 0: $partSearch = "LLL"; break;
	case 1: $partSearch = "FFF"; break;
	case 2: $partSearch = "GGG"; break;
	case 3: $partSearch = "BBB"; break;
	case 4: $partSearch = "MMM"; break;
	case 5: $partSearch = "CCC"; break;
	case 6: $partSearch = "EEE"; break;
	case 7: $partSearch = "VVV"; break;

if ($arrayData[sect][$sectSel][0][$partSearch] == "E")
	$eString[$sectSel] = $eString[$sectSel]." ".$partSearch; 
echo $eString[$sectSel];

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This is as good as I can come up with based on what you've posted so far.  It looks to me like you have a list of associations like:


  LLL => E

  TEX => A


Using those you want to search each $arrayData['sect'][ASSOC][0][name] to see if it's equal to VALUE.  In the following code I set up those associations in $arrSearch.  Then I just use a couple of foreach loops to find what you're looking for.  I store the results in $arrFound and just dump its contents as the last line.



   * Set up an association of which array after ['sect'] we want to search and
   * what value in that array we want to search for.
  $arrSearch = Array(
                'TEX' => 'A',
                'LLL' => 'E'
  $arrFound = Array(); // values that we found, empty for now

  // Now loop over each section that we want to search
  foreach($arrSearch as $sect => $search){
    $tmp = $arrayData['sect'][$sect][0]; // just a shorthand, makes it easier
                                         // to use
    foreach($tmp as $name => $value){
      if($value == $search){ // we found it
        $arrFound[] = Array(
                        'name' => $name, 'value' => $value

  echo '<pre style="text-align: left;">' . print_r($arrFound, true) . '</pre>';

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