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[SOLVED] Getting the "IF" to stick


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I'm trying to do some sort of loop that lifts the variable 4 digit number ($code) from $cheapsmells3, and pregnates it into the "if" statement


$code = ($code>0)&&($code<9999);

if ($row['buy_link'] == $cheapsmells3 || $cheapsmells4) {
    // has remainder so add one page
    echo '<a href="http://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=911&awinaffid=74040&p=http://www.cheapsmells.com/viewProduct.php?id='.$code.'" target="_new">';
    echo '<img alt="BUY" height="15" src="/BUY.gif" target="_new" width="50"

else { echo '<a href="'.$row['buy_link'].'" target="_new">';
    echo '<img alt="BUY" height="15" src="/BUY.gif" target="_new" width="50"


Can anyone help? I keep getting "1"

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This doesn't make much sense:

I'm trying to do some sort of loop that lifts the variable 4 digit number ($code) from $cheapsmells3, and pregnates it into the "if" statement


Neither does your code:

$code = ($code>0)&&($code<9999); // what do you think this line is supposed to do?
$cheapsmells3=('http://www.cheapsmells.com/product_show_new.asp?id=".$code."/ref=webgains&siteid=20592'); // why the parenthesis before and after the string. Also, the way you have it the literal string ".$code." will be in the string
if ($row['buy_link'] == $cheapsmells3 || $cheapsmells4) { // this will not do what I think you want


Here's what I think you want:

if ($code > 0 && $code < 9999) {
    if ($row['buy_link'] == $cheapsmells3 || $row['buy_link'] == $cheapsmells4) {



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i should of explained it better.


i have a lot of misdirected file paths (over 300) in mySQL. I can't just do a simple if statement because every file path has an individual 4 digit product code.




I need to lift this code and pregnate it into the correct file path:




My thinking behind it was if I could somehow rename the code as a variable and then pass it through the correct file path in an IF statement, hence my use of "$code." The code can only ever be a 4 digit number ranging from 0000 to 9999.


How can I go about doing this guys? I'm so lost.


All help/advice welcomed

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Is the value of the variable always of the form:

$code = 'http://www.cheapsmells.com/product_show_new.asp?id=xxxx/ref=webgains&siteid=20592';


There are ways using regular expressions to extract the id from that string, but I'm not strong in regular expressions.


I would use a combination of the functions parse_url() and parse_str().


$code = 'http://www.cheapsmells.com/product_show_new.asp?id=9385/ref=webgains&siteid=20592';
$temp = parse_url($code);
$temp2 = parse_str($temp['query'],$parsed_code);
$new_id = explode('/',$parsed_code['id']);
$new_code = 'http://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=911&awinaffid=74040&p=http://www.cheapsmells.com/viewProduct.php?id=' . $new_id[0];




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that code works brilliantly... except...


there's two possible scenarios that could be contained in the query:


1) http://www.cheapsmells.com/product_show_new.asp?id=7874&ref=webgains&siteid=20592 OR

2) http://track.webgains.com/click.html?wgcampaignid=20592&wgprogramid=222&wgtarget=http://www.cheapsmells.com/product_show_new.asp?id=5981


it works for the results that match #1, but it doesn't for #2.


Any ideas?

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