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[SOLVED] Creating an Array of Files in a Directory [[Recursive]]


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Well, I have been working on a function that will take several different parameters and recursively scan dir's and add their files to an array. This is so I can figure out what files are in each dir etc... However, my function WAS working and then all-of-a-sudden it stopped! I can't figure out what I did or changed that might have messed it up.


So can anyone run the code below and figure out what I am missing?



// A function to list all files within the specified directory 
// and it's sub-directories. This is a recursive function that 
// has no limit on the number of levels down you can search.
// What info does this function need?
// $data['start_dir']   The directory to start searching from                   (Required) ("./" = current dir, "../" = up one level)
// $data['good_ext']    The file extensions to allow.                           (Required) (set to 'array('all') to include everything)
// $data['skip_files']  An array of files to skip.                              (Required) (empty array if you don't want to skip anything)
// $data['recursive']   Keep digging deeper if you find more directories?       (required) (true or false)
// $data['limit']       The limit of dir to search                              (required)
// Example data
// $data['start_dir']      = "../../";
// $data['good_ext']       = array('php', 'html');
// $data['skip_files']     = array('..', '.', 'txt', '.htaccess');
// $data['recursive']      = true;
// $data['limit']          = 5;
function directory($data, $level=1) {

    //If the directory given actually IS a directory 
    if (is_dir($data['start_dir'])) {
        //Then open the directory 
        $handle = opendir($data['start_dir']);
        //while their are files in the directory...
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
            //If the file is NOT in the bad file list...
            if (!(array_search($file, $data['skip_files']) > -1)) {
                //Store the full file path in a var
                $path = $data['start_dir']. $file;
                //if it is a dir
                if (filetype($path) == "dir") {
                    //If the dir is NOT deeper than the limit && 'recursive' is set to true
                    if( ($data['limit'] >= $level) && $data['recursive']){
                        //Run this function on on the directory to see what is in it (this is where the recursive part starts)
                        $files2 = directory(array('start_dir' => $path. '/', 'good_ext' => $data['good_ext'], 'skip_files' => $data['skip_files'], 'recursive' => $data['recursive'], 'limit' => $data['limit']), $level + 1);
                        //then combine the output with the current $files array
                        if(is_array($files2)) { $files = array_merge($files, $files2); }
                //Else if it is a file
                } else {
                    //get the extension of the file
                    $ext = explode(".", $file, 1);
                    //And if it is in the GOOD file extension list OR if the list is set to allow ALL files
                    if( (array_search($ext[1], $data['good_ext']) > -1) || ($data['good_ext'][0] == "all") ) {
                        //Add the file to our list
                        $files[$path]['level'] = $level;
                        $files[$path]['dir'] = end(explode('/', $data['start_dir']));
                        $files[$path]['file'] = $file;
                        $files[$path]['size'] = filesize($path);
                        $files[$path]['ext'] = $ext[1];
        //Close the dir handle
        //Return the result (sorted by by KEYS)
        return ksort($files);
    } else {
        return array('not a valid directory');



You can run it by something like this:



$data['start_dir']      = "../../";                         //The directory to start searching from
$data['good_ext']       = array('php', 'class');         //The file extensions to allow (set to 'array('all') to include everything)
$data['skip_files']     = array('..', '.', '.htaccess');   //The files to skip set to an empty array if you don't want to skip anything.
$data['recursive']      = true;                         //Keep digging deeper if you find more director
$data['limit']          = 5;
$files = directory($data);



Thanks!  ;D


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bump  ;D


It is a really simple thing to dig through dirs - but adding features like recursion and creating array lists adds a extra level to the puzzle.


List all files in the current directory and strip out .  and ..

if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            echo "$file\n";


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man, I was just being dumb - I found the problem. It would return a "1" sometimes and I couldn't figure out how an array could go from array() to "1".

Well duh:



//Return the result (sorted by by KEYS)
return ksort($files);



ksort returns "1" (true) on successes or "0" (false) on failure.

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