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Best way to handle multiple $_GETs?


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This is an overly simplified example of what I am actually doing but you get the idea. I bet there's a better way to do this...


The code doesn't really make sense but you get the idea... I should also probably be checking that there's an act before showing a do or an action like


if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'one' && $_GET['do'] == 'something') { ...


But that is besides the point, what is the best way of doing this? Should I just use another switch statement for each one or would that not work? Any input is appreciated.


switch($_GET['act']) {
    case 'one';
    case 'two';

function one() {
    if($_GET['do'] == 'something') {
    elseif($_GET['do'] == 'somethingelse') {
        if($_GET['action'] == 'dothis') {
            echo('Do this.');
        elseif($_GET['action'] == 'dothat') {
            echo('Do that.');
        else {

function two() {
    // ...



I already searched Google and couldn't find anything, just so you know... ;)

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Probably easiest to setup a seperate switch to deal with every $_GET var. eg;



  if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    switch ($_GET['action']) {
      // run functions based on action.

  if (isset($_GET['view'])) {
    switch ($_GET['view']) {
      // run functions based on view.

  // etc etc


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I tried that then but then when I use functions from my class like $class->function(); within the include I get an error, or maybe I just did it wrong... I don't know I posted in OOP anyway. But at first I thought it was because it was within an include, then I tried it in the file itself and I still got the error.


Including isn't a bad solution anyway but it can get a little messy...

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