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Create table


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Hey Guys,


I want to create a table with the following columns. Can you please give me your recommendations:


ID (Must be unique, starting with 00001, id should increment by 1)


Gender (Male or female)

Contact Number

Email Address

Time Of Registration


Paid (Yes/No)

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ID (Must be unique, starting with 00001, id should increment by 1)

-PK, auto_increment, BIGINT UNSIGNED, deal with the zerofill on the output only, no in the DB



-varchar, 255


Gender (Male or female)



Contact Number

-varchar,255 -- unless you can be sure you're only storing north american numbers, in which case CHAR(10) is sufficient


Email Address



Time Of Registration

-store date & time, in the DATETIME() field, use NOW() on INSERT



-UNSIGNED INT, store with INET_ATON() -- don't store the dotted octet


Paid (Yes/No)

-ENUM... but it seems like it's missing lots of info (when, how much, for what, etc.)


Could use some normalization when there are more fields.


At the very least, index name -- but that really should be first and last separately, right?


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Thanks. Well Im not too good with MYSQL so you'll have to excuse me if I ask some daft questions.  :D


The paid is only for a set of tickets, a simple paypal buynow type of button.


So how exactly would I create the query, something like this:


CREATE userinfo (

    Name varchar(255),

    Gender ENUM,

    ContactNo varchar(255),

    EmailAdd varchar(255),

    TimeOfReg ( ??? ),

    IP UNSIGNED INT (not sure entirely),

    Paid ENUM );


What is the purpose of an index name ?

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Thanks. Well Im not too good with MYSQL so you'll have to excuse me if I ask some daft questions.  :D


The paid is only for a set of tickets, a simple paypal buynow type of button.


So how exactly would I create the query, something like this:


CREATE userinfo (

     Name varchar(255),

     Gender ENUM,

     ContactNo varchar(255),

     EmailAdd varchar(255),

     TimeOfReg ( ??? ),

     IP UNSIGNED INT (not sure entirely),

     Paid ENUM );


What is the purpose of an index name ?

Even so, when did they buy the tickets? How many? Confirmation #? etc.


ENUM requires a list of possible values; check the refman for syntax.

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Well the thing is, they fill in a small form and press next where they are redirected to paypal. They choose how many tickets they want on the paypal system. Their is little control over what data I can extract from paypal. So the timeOfReg can be the purchase date, or maybe I could add another timeOfPurchase field ? They will recieve a confirmation email from me once they have submitted and also a receipt from paypal.


Is it ok if you could go through the create statement and correct any errors in it for me please ? Im quite new to SQL and still have a long way to go. 


And thanks for your suggestions, some thought provoking questions. :)

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Thanks. So would I create a relationship with the two tables though the same ID ? Correct ?


Here is an example set of tables:


table 1






table 2



purchase ID,


unit price,



So if I wanted to display UserId, name, productname, quantity, total - how would I do that ?

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Ok, earlier on I mentioned that I wanted my ID numbers to be complete random numbers rather than incremented. Well, I have plans of putting a system into place where current registered users enter their ID into a textbox and it will display their reg. details. The problem with incremented IDs is someone could probably 'guess' the number (or atleast increases its chance with a incremented ID).

The reason I only want them to beable to enter IDs is to make things quicker, its not a large system and its only to purchase tickets (for university events).


Whats your take on this ?

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