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Hey guys,


So I often find myself sticking images in a web folder and then having the apache (or IIS) indexes turned on so that my friends can browse through the file names. Not the most effective image gallery, I know. Instead of going through the thousands of open source galleries out there, I decided to create my own, heres what is different about it:


It consists of one file (the index file).

It does not rely on either flat file or SQL databases.

Creates thumbnails upon first install and whenever you add new images.

Thumbnails generator includes real-time progress bar - useful when you have a lot of images.

*Essentially the image gallery for really lazy (or busy  ;) ) developers


Heres the file:



Heres a demo:



There are a few known bugs and issues. No documentation yet. Feel free to poke around with it and post if you have any questions. Also make sure to tell me you server configuration and the browser(s) you used to test it with.





PS - And keep in mind this is an EARLY RELEASE. It doesn't have near the functionality that I'm planning for it.

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Cross Site Scripting:



Directory Transversal:

http://ryan.crawford.com/yjfc/flyin07/?v=meta&file=../../oshkosh/Glenn Oshkosh/DSCN5637.JPG





Full Path Disclosure:


Warning: getimagesize(./thumbs/) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\InetRoot\www\yjfc\flyin07\index.php on line 552


Full Path Disclosure:


Warning: getimagesize(./thumbs/a) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\InetRoot\www\yjfc\flyin07\index.php on line 552


Warning: getimagesize(a) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\InetRoot\www\yjfc\flyin07\index.php on line 553

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