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[SOLVED] Why doesnt this session show my other links when I log in? please help


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I have a problem with my session. When a user isnt signed, they only see certain links at top pf the page ie login, register, forgot password. If they are signed in, additional links are displayed below, ie edit details, logout. The problem is, when i login these links(edit details, logout), do not get displayed. I think the session maybe isnt actually 'logging me in'. Please help - ive worked on this for ages and cant figure out why.  i have started the session at the top of the page before the html tag, included connection etc.


// Check that the user is logged in

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1){
<p class="white"><b>You are not logged in</b></p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
          <td><a href="login.php">Login</a> </td>
          <td><a href="register.php">Register</a></td>
          <td><a href="password.php">Lost Password</a></td>
} else {

<span class="white"><b>Welcome back <? echo $_SESSION['first_name'];?></b></span>
<br /><Br />
<a href = "edit.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Edit your details</font></a><br />
<a href = "logout.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to logout</font></a>

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']==1){
echo "You are already logged in!";

// Check that the form was submitted and check the user

} else if (isset($_POST['submit'])){

// do user database checking

$username=$_POST["username"]; // convert post variables
$password=$_POST["password"]; // convert post variables

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"; // Database checks
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

if ($num){ // if the username was found

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$database_user = $row["username"]; 	// get details from database
$database_pass = $row["password"]; 	
$database_title = $row["title"]; 		
$database_first_name = $row["first_name"];
$database_last_name = $row["last_name"]; 	

if (($username == $database_user) && ($password == $database_pass)){ // check posted vars against database

	// add variables to the session

		$_SESSION['username'] = $database_user;
		$_SESSION['password'] = $database_pass;
		$_SESSION['title'] = $database_title;
		$_SESSION['first_name'] = $database_first_name;
		$_SESSION['last_name'] = $database_last_name;
		$_SESSION['address1'] = $database_address1;
		$_SESSION['address2'] = $database_address2;
		$_SESSION['city_town'] = $database_city_town;
		$_SESSION['postcode'] = $database_postcode;
		$_SESSION['email'] = $database_email;
		$_SESSION['country'] = $database_country;
		$_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1;

	echo "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;URL=members.php\" /></head>";


if ($username <> $database_user) { echo "We cannot find that username!";} // Check the user is there
if (($password <> $database_pass) && ($username == $database_user)) { echo "You have inputed a wrong password.";} // Check pass

} else {
echo "We cannot find that username!";

} else {


<form method="post"  action="<? echo $PHP_SELF?>">

<h3>Enter Details Below</h3>


<span class="price">
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="24" />
<span class="price">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="24" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Sign in" />

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im just posting this so i can read that mess... ill see if i can see any errors in a second


// Check that the user is logged in

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1){
   <p class="white">You are not logged in</p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
          <td><a href="login.php">Login[/url] </td>
          <td><a href="register.php">Register[/url]</td>
          <td><a href="password.php">Lost Password[/url]</td>
} else {

<span class="white">Welcome back <? echo $_SESSION['first_name'];?></span>

<Br />
<a href = "edit.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Edit your details</font>[/url]

<a href = "logout.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to logout</font>[/url]

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']==1){
echo "You are already logged in!";

// Check that the form was submitted and check the user

} else if (isset($_POST['submit'])){

// do user database checking

$username=$_POST["username"]; // convert post variables
$password=$_POST["password"]; // convert post variables

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"; // Database checks
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

if ($num){ // if the username was found

   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   $database_user = $row["username"];    // get details from database
   $database_pass = $row["password"];    
   $database_title = $row["title"];       
   $database_first_name = $row["first_name"];
   $database_last_name = $row["last_name"];    

if (($username == $database_user) && ($password == $database_pass)){ // check posted vars against database
      // add variables to the session
         $_SESSION['username'] = $database_user;
         $_SESSION['password'] = $database_pass;
         $_SESSION['title'] = $database_title;
         $_SESSION['first_name'] = $database_first_name;
         $_SESSION['last_name'] = $database_last_name;
         $_SESSION['address1'] = $database_address1;
         $_SESSION['address2'] = $database_address2;
         $_SESSION['city_town'] = $database_city_town;
         $_SESSION['postcode'] = $database_postcode;
         $_SESSION['email'] = $database_email;
         $_SESSION['country'] = $database_country;
         $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1;
      echo "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;URL=members.php\" /></head>";

   if ($username <> $database_user) { echo "We cannot find that username!";} // Check the user is there
   if (($password <> $database_pass) && ($username == $database_user)) { echo "You have inputed a wrong password.";} // Check pass

} else {
echo "We cannot find that username!";

} else {


<form method="post"  action="<? echo $PHP_SELF?>">

<h3>Enter Details Below</h3>


<span class="price">
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="24" />

<span class="price">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="24" />

<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Sign in" />

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Try this:


You didnt put <?php in a certain spot.. i marked it..


Also, if it doesn't work, try just checking if the $_SESSION is set, not if it is equal to 1 or not




$_POST['submit'] will always be set... so to check if it was clicked, do: if ($_POST['submit'] == "Value")

But change "VALUE" to what the value of the submit button is (what it says)


// Check that the user is logged in

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1)
   <p class="white">You are not logged in</p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
          <td><a href="login.php">Login[/url] </td>
          <td><a href="register.php">Register[/url]</td>
          <td><a href="password.php">Lost Password[/url]</td>
  <span class="white">Welcome back <? echo $_SESSION['first_name'];?></span>
  <Br />
  <a href = "edit.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Edit your details</font>[/url]
  <a href = "logout.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to logout</font>[/url]

// ^^
if ($_SESSION['logged_in']==1)
  echo "You are already logged in!";

// $_POST['submit'] will always be set... so to check if it was clicked,
// do, if ($_POST['submit'] == "Value")
// But change "VALUE" to what the value of the submit button is (what it says)
else if (isset($_POST['submit']))

  // do user database checking
  $username=$_POST["username"]; // convert post variables
  $password=$_POST["password"]; // convert post variables

  $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"; // Database checks
  $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

  if ($num)
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $database_user = $row["username"];    // get details from database
    $database_pass = $row["password"];    
    $database_title = $row["title"];       
    $database_first_name = $row["first_name"];
    $database_last_name = $row["last_name"];    

    if (($username == $database_user) && ($password == $database_pass))
      // add variables to the session
      $_SESSION['username'] = $database_user;
      $_SESSION['password'] = $database_pass;
      $_SESSION['title'] = $database_title;
      $_SESSION['first_name'] = $database_first_name;
      $_SESSION['last_name'] = $database_last_name;
      $_SESSION['address1'] = $database_address1;
      $_SESSION['address2'] = $database_address2;
      $_SESSION['city_town'] = $database_city_town;
      $_SESSION['postcode'] = $database_postcode;
      $_SESSION['email'] = $database_email;
      $_SESSION['country'] = $database_country;
      $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1;
      echo "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;URL=members.php\" /></head>";

    if ($username <> $database_user) { echo "We cannot find that username!";} // Check the user is there

    if (($password <> $database_pass) && ($username == $database_user)) { echo "You have inputed a wrong password.";} // Check pass

    echo "We cannot find that username!";

<form method="post"  action="<? echo $PHP_SELF?>">

<h3>Enter Details Below</h3>


<span class="price">
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="24" />

<span class="price">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="24" />

<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Sign in" />



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Hi - thanks for the effort, but that wasnt the problem. I actually did put that <? in but i just tried to trim the code before posting. You may also noticed that i tried to add varibales to the session without declaring them, i actually did declare them - jst a mistake when trying to trim it down again. the rest is fine

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I do not get it? You have HTML that you want echoed outside PHP?


I do like this


// Check that the user is logged in

if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1){
echo <<<END
   <p class="white">You are not logged in</p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
          <td><a href="login.php">Login[/url] </td>
          <td><a href="register.php">Register[/url]</td>
          <td><a href="password.php">Lost Password[/url]</td>
} else {
echo <<<END 
<span class="white">Welcome back $_SESSION['first_name']></span>

<Br />
<a href = "edit.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Edit your details</font>[/url]

<a href = "logout.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to logout</font>[/url]



Try this and see if it works, if it does modify the rest of your code!


I presume that $_SESSION['logged_in']=1; is assigned on the first page

that the login page posts to?


page 1 is login page

page 2 is the session initiation page that page one posts to. on page two you give value $_SESSION['logged_in']=1; then all your other pages can check of $_SESSION['logged_in'] is equals to 1

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Yes the session is started and isnt doing what id like it to do. 'I do not get it? You have HTML that you want echoed outside PHP?' - yes if if ($_SESSION['logged_in']==1)(ie logged in) show the links 'edit' and 'logout', if not, dont show these links. The key is, you must be logged in to see these links, else you cant see them.


I presume that $_SESSION['logged_in']=1; is assigned on the first page

that the login page posts to?


page 1 is login page

page 2 is the session initiation page that page one posts to. on page two you give value $_SESSION['logged_in']=1; then all your other pages can check of $_SESSION['logged_in'] is equals to 1 <<<<<CORRECT



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ah ive just given up, once login is correct ie a password corresponds to a username, you can see Ive given the session a new variable $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1, which signifies a login was successful and also redirected it to a page called members.php which is below. Somthings telling me the session isnt recognised by this page OR ANOTHER. Basically ive logged in with a correct password, so i should be redirected to the members page that displays the 'edit' and 'logout' links instead of 'login', 'register', 'lost password' but his isnt the case.



// Get the database configuration
include ('database_config.php');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" id="stylesheet" />


<body >

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="71%" height="133"><img src="images/company_logo.jpg" width="668" height="114" /></td>
    <td width="29%" height="133">	
// Check that the user is logged in
if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1){

// These are the links you would see by default, ie not logged in

<p class="white"><b>You are not logged in.</b></p>
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
          <td><a href="login.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to login</font></a> </td>
         <td><a href="register.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Register a new account</font></a></td>
          <td><a href="password.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Retrieve your password</font></a></td>
} else {

// If login was successfull and session is working, ie $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1; and these links will replace the above on the members page
<span class="white"><b>Welcome back <? echo $_SESSION['first_name'];?></b></span>
<br /><Br />
<a href = "edit.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Edit your details</font></a><br />
<a href = "logout.php"><font color="#FFCC00">Click here to logout</font></a>

// This is the bar that only members that are logged in can see
if ($_SESSION['logged_in']==1){
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <td height="28">Members links here <a href = "test.php">Here's a test link</a></td>
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
// If you have a page that you only want members to see, this is the code to check the Session variable
if ($_SESSION['logged_in']!=1){
echo "Members only";
} else {
      Only logged in members can view this .
} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


EDITED BY WILDTEEN88: Please use code tags (

) when posting code within posts. Thank you.

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Sorry about the erlier comment not putting html inside echo, I tested it your way and it works.


I am from the old school...


Okay so your syntax is correct, now lets find out ehat is the problem with



Can you echo it right before the if statement and see what is its value?

If you loged in it should be 1



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Check your security settings on your browser to see if you allow to accept cookies.


Try setting it to low and clear all your temporary Internet files and cookies and see if it works.


For sessions to work cookies must be accepted by the browser.


Try another browser like FF if you are using IE and see how it is.

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