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[SOLVED] phpMyAdmin Help


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Not sure it goes here, but hey, tell me if I'm wrong.


I recently installed xampp on this computer (windows), and it's working fine. However, when I tried to install it on a laptop (windows aswell), I used the exact same method, and everything worked but the phpMyAdmin. It says that I'm not access has not be authorized for root@localhost, or something similar, and won't let me use it. Yet, on the last computer it was fine. Anyone have any ideas?

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What are the system specs for your laptop.

The first thing is to make sure your system meet's the minimum (if not recommended) settings to install the server and everything that goes with it.  They can take quite a lot to run.  After that, step me through the installation process you used to get it working on your desktop then your laptop (in detail),

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the specs on my laptop are higher than that of my desktop. As for the installation:


I downloaded the file, ran it, and opted to install apache and phpMyAdmin. Then, when they were both running, I went to http://localhost/, and to security. Apparently, a password had already been set for pma. So, I went into the cp, and typed the same password into current, new, and confirm. So, when I went to localhost/phpmyadmin, it said '#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

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