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Why cant this insert to database?


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Why doesnt this code not insert the data into the database?


// Goes through all the words in url/website and insert them into the database
function _harvest($url)
		      echo "URL is not valid: $url.";
	   }elseif($data = $this->_getData($url)){
		      $words = preg_split('/[\s,.]+/', $data);
		      array_walk($words, array($this, '_prune'), $words);
		      $url_id = $this->_db->getone("SELECT id FROM urls WHERE url = '$url'");
			         $this->_db->query("DELETE FROM keywords WHERE url_id = '$url_id'");
			         $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO urls SET url = '$url'");
			         $url_id = mysql_insert_id();

		      $values = "($url_id, '$words[0]')";
		      $numwords = count($words);
		      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
			         $values .= ", ($url_id, '$words[$i]')";

		      $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords VALUES $values");


i get this error:

Invalid query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1


*the $this->_db->query is holding mysql_query() in ohter class.

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If you echo out $values before the insert then you should see your problem.


Your insert statement should be in this format:

$sql = "INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES ('$url_id', '$keyword')";


When you are building your $values string it is all jumbled up.

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well, yes it is jumbled up with a lot of values of the insert query. So it contains for exampel:


(1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotsk'), (1, 'Slagskibe')


and this is what $values prints out when i echo it out. So i cant see the why mysql is getting me the Invalid query error because my insert query would look like this:


$this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES (1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotsk'), (1, 'Slagskibe')");


why is that wrong?


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when i put this in my script:


$this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES (1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotland'), (1, 'Skotsk'), (1, 'Slagskibe')");


it inserts it into the database??? i simply cant see why i cant use that $values variable for this? when it contains the same information?

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You are trying to put 8 values into 2 fields of your database.


I think for what you are trying to do you are going to need to do do more than one insert query.


So if you change this:

		      $numwords = count($words);
		      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
			         $values .= ", ($url_id, '$words[$i]')";

		      $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords VALUES $values");

To something like:

$numwords = count($words);
		      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
                               $keyword = $words[$i];				
         $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES ('$url_id', '$keyword')");	     


That is assuming that you want the url_id to always be the same, which it is at the moment.


Are you sure that url_id is not an auto_increment field?


Then you would want:

$numwords = count($words);
		      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
                               $keyword = $words[$i];				
         $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (keyword) VALUES ('$keyword')");	     


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crap... this gives me the same error as before. I am now using this:


$numwords = count($words);
		for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
                   $keyword = $words[$i];				
         		   $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES ('$url_id', '$keyword')");	     

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Sorry, scrap my last post then, I'm an idiot!


This should work

$values = "($url_id, '$words[0]')";
		      $numwords = count($words);
		      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
			         $values .= ", ('$url_id', '$words[$i]')";

		      $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords VALUES $values");

Need to have the quotes around $url_id

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class Harvest_Keywords



// Private variables

var $_db;

var $_urlarray;

var $_stopwords = array('and', 'but', 'are', 'the');

var $_allowwords = array('c++', 'ado', 'vb');


// Construtor

function Harvest_Keywords($urls)


$this->_db = new DB_Class('test', 'root', '');

$this->_urlarray = trim($urls);

$this->_urlarray = explode("/n", $this->_urlarray);



// prune function - checks the words

function _prune($item, $array, $key)


$item = strtolower($item);

if(((preg_match("/[^a-z0-9'\?!-]/", $item)) || (strlen($item) > 3) || (in_array($item, $this->_stopwords))) && (!in_array($item, $this->_allowwords)))




$item = addslashes(preg_match("/[^a-z0-9'-]/", $item));




// Check the url to see if it is correct

function _checkURL($url)


return preg_match ("/http:\/\/(.*)\.(.*)/i", $url);



// Gets the information from the URL with fopen and fread

function _getData($url)


$filehandel = fopen($url, 'r');



echo "Could not read the URL.";

$return = FALSE;


$data = fread($filehandel, 25000);

$close = fclose($filehandel);

$data = strip_tags($data);

$data = str_replace('&nbsp', ' ', $data);

$return = $data;



return $return;



// Goes through all the words in url/website and insert them into the database

function _harvest($url)




echo "URL is not valid: $url.";

}elseif($data = $this->_getData($url)){

$words = preg_split('/[\s,.]+/', $data);

array_walk($words, array($this, '_prune'), $words);


$url_id = $this->_db->getone("SELECT id FROM urls WHERE url = '$url'");



$this->_db->query("DELETE FROM keywords WHERE url_id = '$url_id'");


$this->_db->query("INSERT INTO urls SET url = '$url'");

$url_id = mysql_insert_id();



$values = "($url_id, '$words[0]')";

      $numwords = count($words);

      for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)


        $values .= ", ('$url_id', '$words[$i]')";





// Get the script running by calling harvest() function as many times as there are urls

function process()


foreach($this->_urlarray as $url)









dont know how to get the colors on without putting it the in

 tags... if i put it in the [code] tags it remove all my tabs and the code is unreadable.


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Are you still getting any error because you don't currently have the insert in your script?


         $values = "('$url_id', '$words[0]')";
               $numwords = count($words);
               for($i=1; $i < $numwords; $i++)
                     $values .= ", ('$url_id', '$words[$i]')";
               //Is this part still in your script?      
               $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES $values");


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Ok, think this is going to have to be my last attempt because if this doesn't work then I'm lost!


But first check that you do have 2 columns in your database and they are called exactly url_id and keyword

               $numwords = count($words);
               for($i=0; $i < $numwords; $i++)
               $keyword = $words[$i];
               $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO keywords (url_id, keyword) VALUES ('$url_id', '$keyword')");

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