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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW in COMMON.PHP LINE 11


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Hello everyone,


I hope somebody can help me before I get another grey hair from this code(LOL).

I've have multiple problems so far and I got the code to run up to this point the first few errors I had dealt with $this error. I got that fixed by changing the var. Now I have this problem Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW in /home/memjnsk/public_html/savefile_php/include/common.php on line 11. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I am not that great with php, but I know my way around a little in it. I haven't seen what could be wrong.


Here's the code snippet for common.php:





$att_path = "./uploads";

$paypal_item = $sitename." Service Monthly Subscription";

$paypal_item_number = $sitename;

$mainipn = $siteurl."/ipn.php";

$paypal_ipn = $siteurl."/site_ipn.php";

$paypal_cancel_return = $siteurl."/cancel.php";

$paypal_return = $siteurl."/thanks.php";

$that->min_pass_length=8; <-------------Line 11



$logfile = "logfile.txt";

$postmode = 1;

$invalidcode = "<table bgcolor=#ffffff cellpadding=4 width=170><tr><td align=center><font size=2><b>Invalid Button Code!</b><p>Run Your Own PayPal Donation Campaigns at <a href=$siteurl/join.php>$sitename</a></font></table>";

$table1 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";

$table2 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";

$table3 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";

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$that was originally $this as far as I am aware it was set to be used inside an object. I had no choice, but to change that part. to get the script to run, but when I get to a point in the script with this being changed this is were I get the parse error.


Here is the full common.php:






$att_path = "./uploads";

$paypal_item = $sitename." Service Monthly Subscription";

$paypal_item_number = $sitename;

$mainipn = $siteurl."/ipn.php";

$paypal_ipn = $siteurl."/site_ipn.php";

$paypal_cancel_return = $siteurl."/cancel.php";

$paypal_return = $siteurl."/thanks.php";

$that->min_pass_length=8;      <-------------Originally $this

$that->max_pass_length=12;    <-------------Originally $this

$that->chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';    <-------Originally $this

$logfile = "logfile.txt";

$postmode = 1;

$invalidcode = "<table bgcolor=#ffffff cellpadding=4 width=170><tr><td align=center><font size=2><b>Invalid Button Code!</b><p>Run Your Own PayPal Donation Campaigns at <a href=$siteurl/join.php>$sitename</a></font></table>";

$table1 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";

$table2 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";

$table3 = "<TABLE class=design bgColor=#ffffff cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 width=100% border='1' BORDERCOLOR='#C0C0C0' STYLE='border-collapse: collapse'>";


@mysql_connect($dbServer, $dbUser, $dbPass) or die("Couldn't connect to database server: " . mysql_error());

@mysql_select_db($dbName) or die("Couldn't connect to database: " . mysql_error());


function errform($msg, $var = ''){

global $posterr, $_POST;

$posterr = 1;

echo "<div style='color: #FF0000;'>$msg</div>";

if ($var) $_POST[$var] = '';



function addreport($user,$site,$status){

mysql_query("INSERT INTO report SET user='$user',site='$site',status='$status',date='".time()."'");



function quickcheck($host,$port){

$running = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); 

if (!$running){

return 0;

}else  { 


return 1;




function fullstatus($host){

$services = array( 








$date = date("l, M d, Y - h:i:s A"); 


<p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>System Status: <?= $host ?></b></font><br>Time: <?= $date ?></p>

<font face="Arial" size="2">


<tr bgcolor="#5590CC"><td>Status</td><td>Service</td><td>Host</td></tr>


foreach ($services as $name=>$port){ 

$running = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); 

if (!$running){

$status_color = "red"; 

$status_sign = "X";

}else  { 


$status_color = "green"; 

$status_sign = " ";

echo "<tr><td align=center><div align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 20pt; border: 2px solid $status_color; color:$status_color;\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">$status_sign</div></td><td>$name</td><td>$host</td></tr>"; 





function writecombo($array_name, $name, $selected = "", $start = 0, $add_text = "", $add_text2 = "") {

$length = count ($array_name);

if (($array_name == "") || ($length == 0)){

echo "<select name=\"$name\"></select>\n";


echo "<select name=\"$name\" $add_text $add_text2>\n";

while (list($key, $val) = @each($array_name)) {

if( !is_array($val) ){

$select_name = $val;

$i = $key;

echo "  <option value=\"$i\"";

if ($i == $selected){

echo " selected";


echo ">$select_name</option>\n";



echo "</select>\n";




function myround($amt,$dec="3"){


if($dec == 2){





$amount = ob_get_contents();


$amount = str_replace(" ","",$amount);

return $amount;



class fptime{

function fptime(){

return 1;



function mytime($stamp="",$format="m/d/Y"){

return date( $format,($stamp ? $stamp : time()) );



function stamp($mm,$dd,$yy,$hh=0,$min=0,$sec=0){

return mktime($hh,$min,$sec,$mm,$dd,$yy);



function subhours($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy,$hh,$m,$s){

return $this->stamp( $mm,$dd,$yy,($hh-$interval),$m,$s );



function addhours($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy,$hh,$m,$s){

return $this->stamp( $mm,$dd,$yy,($hh+$interval),$m,$s );



function subdays($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy){

return $this->stamp($mm,($dd-$interval),$yy);



function adddays($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy,$hh=0,$min=0,$sec=0){

return $this->stamp($mm,($dd+$interval),$yy,$hh,$min,$sec);



function submonths($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy){

return $this->stamp( ($mm-$interval),$dd,$yy );



function addmonths($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy){

return $this->stamp( ($mm+$interval),$dd,$yy );



function subyears($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy){

return $this->stamp( $mm,$dd,($yy-$interval) );



function addyears($interval,$mm,$dd,$yy){

return $this->stamp( $mm,$dd,($yy+$interval) );



function DateDiff ($interval, $date1,$date2) {

// get the number of seconds between the two dates

$timedifference =  $date2 - $date1;

switch ($interval) {

case "w":

$retval = $timedifference/604800;

$retval = floor($retval);


case "d":

$retval = $timedifference/86400;

$retval = floor($retval);


case "h":

$retval = $timedifference/3600;

$retval = floor($retval);


case "n":

$retval = $timedifference/60;

$retval = floor($retval);


case "s":

$retval  = floor($timedifference);



return $retval;



function dateNow($format="%Y%m%d"){




function dateToday(){

$ndate = time();

return( $ndate );



function daysInMonth($month="",$year=""){

if(empty($year)) {

$year = $this->dateNow("%Y");


if(empty($month)) {

$month = $this->dateNow("%m");


if($month == 2) {

if($this->isLeapYear($year)) {

return 29;

} else {

return 28;


} elseif($month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 9 or $month == 11) {

return 30;

} else {

return 31;




function isLeapYear($year=""){

if(empty($year)) {

$year = $this->dateNow("%Y");


if(strlen($year) != 4) {

return false;


if(preg_match("/\D/",$year)) {

return false;


return (($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) || $year % 400 == 0);



$month_values= array(















$day_values= array(



































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You can't simply yank parts of code out of a class and expect it to work.  That look like they where designed as properties, so you could try changing them to variables but it still may not (probably won't) all work together.

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This code is part of a clone script that I am toying with to get to run. I am going to look back through it to see if I can get this to work correctly. I can post the files to be downloaded if you would like to be able to the scripting and maybe give some help with the problem.

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