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I have been trying to set up OpenLDAP server for a couple weeks now.  I know ldap from the Windows world, but not Linux.


I need to get it to work so I can install Kolab.


I have tried several times using the howto on the howtoforge site.


Can anyone help me, or point me to a good tutorial that doesn't "brush over" the details?





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I used this Gentoo tutorial, and I'm currently sitting on a network with LDAP controlling user authentication for six computers, so I'd say it works pretty well. :) There will be a few minor differences for your distribution (Fedora, right?), but I'm fairly certain that you'll be able to work around them.

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I can't get past this part:


[root@tranquilpenguin ~]# ldapsearch -Hldap://tranquilpenguin.com -b "" -s base -D "cn=osprey,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com"

SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started

Please enter your password:

ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49)

        additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database





[osprey@tranquilpenguin ~]$ ldapsearch -x -D "cn=testuser,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com" -W

Enter LDAP Password:

# extended LDIF


# LDAPv3

# base <> with scope subtree

# filter: (objectclass=*)

# requesting: ALL



# tranquilpenguin.com

dn: dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com

objectClass: dcObject

objectClass: person

sn: osprey

cn: osprey

dc: tranquilpenguin


# Hosts, tranquilpenguin.com

dn: ou=Hosts,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com

ou: Hosts

objectClass: top

objectClass: organizationalUnit

objectClass: domainRelatedObject

associatedDomain: tranquilpenguin.com


# People, tranquilpenguin.com

dn: ou=People,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com

ou: People

objectClass: top

objectClass: organizationalUnit

objectClass: domainRelatedObject

associatedDomain: tranquilpenguin.com


# Group, tranquilpenguin.com

dn: ou=Group,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com

ou: Group

objectClass: top

objectClass: organizationalUnit

objectClass: domainRelatedObject

associatedDomain: tranquilpenguin.com


# testuser, tranquilpenguin.com

dn: cn=testuser,dc=tranquilpenguin,dc=com

cn: testuser

sn: testuser

objectClass: top

objectClass: person

userPassword:: e01ENX1vNVZIRUdoS2NOS0QrMEp0L3p5R2tRPT0=





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I got past the basic hard part.  I have basic ldap working.


I can create a user, I can delete a user, I can lookup a user.


I do not have sasl/tls working yet.


When I create a user, it does not create a postfix account nor does is create a local machine account... Is it supposed to?



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When I create a user, it does not create a postfix account nor does is create a local machine account... Is it supposed to?


Not by default, although there may be a way to have Postfix use LDAP accounts for user management, and I know you can have the computer use LDAP accounts for user management. You can check http://directory.fedoraproject.org/ to see if they have any information on the subject.


Out of curiosity, was there a reason that you didn't use the Fedora Directory Server?

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Well, I did yum -y install fedora-ds*


it installed ok


I then did a search for fedora-ds*

nothing found.


I've read the doc's several times.  It says the install routine does everything for you. but it never tells you how to start the install routine.


This is what frustrates my about linux in general, and ALL distro's have these issues. 


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It would appear that I am not as familiar with LDAP as I though I was. 


I am going to back off a little and try to educate myself some more.  I currently have Open LDAP running with a simple user database.  The users are not tied to Unix accounts.



1.  Figure out how to tie the LDAP users to the Unix Accounts.

2.  Figure out how to tie the LDAP users to the Postfix server (Which is already tied to the Unix Account)


I think if I can get this done, I can move forward. 


Any links or hints would be most appreciated. 



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