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500 of these a minute

if (file_exists("file.txt")) {DO STUFF}




500 of these a minute

SELECT ìd` FROM chatconnections WHERE user = 'joebloggs' LIMIT 0,1


The table chatconnections will only ever have about 10 records in by the way


See i want to create a live chat and Im wondering whats the best way to conncurently check if someone wants to chat. Whether its better to have a flat file created or a database entry. Either of which will need to be checked for every minute

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No.. it was just to store a chat request


Rather then query the database table every minute to see if a chat request row exists for the member


I was thinking of just having a folder, when someone wants to chat, a text file is created named after the members username




If that file exists, we know someone wants to chat, so then start the chat and delete that file


If it doesnt exist, obviously no one is waitint to chat..




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No.. it was just to store a chat request


Rather then query the database table every minute to see if a chat request row exists for the member


I was thinking of just having a folder, when someone wants to chat, a text file is created named after the members username




If that file exists, we know someone wants to chat, so then start the chat and delete that file


If it doesnt exist, obviously no one is waitint to chat..




Files were not meant for this... stick with the DB.

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Are you sure?


MySQL currently gets hammered, the less load I can take off that service the better


Unless useing flat files causes more over head in regards to CPU, Disk I/O etc


This is what Im saying, if both could be benchmarked.. which is going to be better for system wide performance


Mysql is great for handling and manipulating large sets of data, but is it better in regards to minimal data.. when alterntives can be used

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But what if alls my process is doing is simple checing if the file exists


if (file_exists("jamie.txt")) { OK LETS DO IT }


As apposed to


SELECT `id` FROM chatseshions WHERE user = 'jamie' LIMIT 1


if num_rows == 1 {DO STUFF}



Surely in this case file_exists would be better/faster?

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I think we've beaten this topic to death.


If you don't want to take the opinion of others, then don't. Just do what you want to.


Try both ways, see what appeals to you or what works better.


Please don't keep asking the same thing over and over.



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I think we've beaten this topic to death.


If you don't want to take the opinion of others, then don't. Just do what you want to.


Try both ways, see what appeals to you or what works better.


Please don't keep asking the same thing over and over.



Agreed... topic locked.

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