AV Posted October 26, 2007 Share Posted October 26, 2007 // global variables var gtdiff; // diff between server and local time var counttime=120; // number of minutes to count down //var counttime=2; // number of minutes to count down var onesec=1000; // milliseconds var oneminute=60*onesec; var gservertime = co_get_servertime(); var gfuturetime; var countdownwidth='156px'; var countdownheight='30px'; var countdownbgcolor='lightgreen'; var opentags='<font face="Verdana" size="1">'; var closetags='</font>'; var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); var crosscount=''; // general function function co_pad ( num ) { return ( ( num > 9 ) ? num : "0" + num ); } var debugCounter = 0; function co_debugMsg(msg) { // un rem the next line when you go live to prevent debug messages from showing return; debugCounter++; var t = document.createTextNode("\n" + co_pad(debugCounter) + ": " + msg); var br = document.createElement("br"); var debug = document.getElementById("debug"); debug.appendChild(t); debug.appendChild(br); } function co_get_servertime() { var stime = "October 12, 1988 23:59:55"; // Date format stime = "October 26, 2007 11:02:43"; // get date from server return new Date(stime); } function co_setfuturetimestamp(idate,tnum) { var tyy, tmm, tdd, thh, tmi=0; var rdate, rsec; var ttime = idate.getTime()+(tnum*oneminute); rdate = new Date(ttime); // tyy = rdate.getYear(); tyy = rdate.getFullYear(); tmm = rdate.getMonth(); tdd = rdate.getDate(); thh = rdate.getHours(); if (thh%2 != 0) { thh = thh-1;} // Not even adj to even hrs count down if (tnum < 60) { tmi = rdate.getMinutes(); } return new Date(tyy,tmm,tdd,thh,tmi,0); // set new time w/ 0 sec } function co_redirect_refresh_page() { window.location="http://www.mywebsite.com/index.html"; } function co_refresh_alert() { alert("Demo is refreshing, please wait..."); } function co_get_futuretime(tnum) { var curtime = new Date(); gtdiff=Date.parse(gservertime)-Date.parse(curtime); return co_setfuturetimestamp(gservertime,tnum); } function co_seconds_elapsed (istarttime) { curtime = new Date(); var time_diff=Date.parse(istarttime)-(Date.parse(curtime)+gtdiff); // adj to get server time return Math.floor ( (time_diff) / onesec ); // sec elapsed } // general function function co_dmsg(ehour,emin,esec) { // var msg1 = opentags + "Demos refresh in " + co_pad(ehour) + ":" + co_pad(emin) + ":" + co_pad(esec); var msg1 = opentags + "Count Down: " + co_pad(ehour) + ":" + co_pad(emin) + ":" + co_pad(esec); if(ehour<=0 && emin<=0 && esec<=1){ // window.location.reload(); this is like DOS and put high load on server, BAD!!! gservertime=gfuturetime; gfuturetime=co_get_futuretime(counttime); co_debugMsg("server "+gservertime); co_debugMsg("future "+gfuturetime); // co_redirect_refresh_page(); co_refresh_alert(); } else{ if (document.layers){ co_debugMsg("else "+gservertime); document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.write(msg1); document.countdownnsmain.document.countdownnssub.document.close(); } else if (document.all||document.getElementById){ crosscount.innerHTML = msg1; } } } // THIS FUNCTION TAKES THE SECONDS ELAPSED AND CONVERTS THEM FOR OUTPUT function co_countdown(){ setTimeout("co_countdown()",onesec); // set timer delay var secs = co_seconds_elapsed (gfuturetime); // TAKE THE SECONDS ELAPSED var mins = Math.floor ( secs / 60 ); // CONVERT SECONDS TO MINUTES AND SECONDS secs = secs - (mins * 60); var hour = Math.floor ( mins / 60 ); // CONVERT MINUTES TO HOURS AND MINUTES mins = mins - (hour * 60); co_dmsg(hour,mins,secs); } function co_start_countdown(){ if (document.layers) document.countdownnsmain.visibility="show"; else if (document.all||document.getElementById) crosscount = document.getElementById&&!document.all ? document.getElementById("countdownie") : countdownie; co_countdown(); } <!-- main --> if (document.all||document.getElementById) document.write('<span id="countdownie" style="width:'+countdownwidth+'; background-color:'+countdownbgcolor+'"></span>'); gfuturetime=co_get_futuretime(counttime); window.onload=co_start_countdown; Hi, I have found this code at opensourcecms.com. I wish to know what happends after time reaches 0. Regards Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/74897-solved-please-code-analyze/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted October 26, 2007 Share Posted October 26, 2007 Why don't you just run it and see? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/74897-solved-please-code-analyze/#findComment-378806 Share on other sites More sharing options...
AV Posted October 27, 2007 Author Share Posted October 27, 2007 First problem is solved, but I get another one: every time I open it starts from 00:57:17. It should change dynamically, every time I refreshed page it should show time counted down. Any ideas? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/74897-solved-please-code-analyze/#findComment-379173 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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