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Auto Complete :: like face book


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Hi all


I am trying to convert my code from ::


	echo "<tr><td align=left>Reported By : <td align=left><select NAME=RepBy>";
   echo "<option value=\"\"></option>";
   while($getSN2 = mysql_fetch_array($usersNames)) { 

	  echo "<option value=\"" . $getSN2['FullName'] . "\">" . $getSN2['FullName'] . "</option>"; 

echo "</select>*";


to a text box like they have on face book, when you are adding a user to a list. i.e. when i start typing the name it drops down the list of people that have the same starting name.




i type "s" the dropdown comes with Steven, Sam, Sian etc.. if i type "st" i only get the results Steven.



Hope this makes sense... i think it will be usefull on other parts of my site as well.




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Hi again


i have got this bit of code working now nad i want to change this ::

	$aUsers = array(
	"Ädams, Egbert",
	"Altman, Alisha",
	"Archibald, Janna",
	"Auman, Cody",
	"Bagley, Sheree",
	"Ballou, Wilmot",
	"Bard, Cassian",
	"Bash, Latanya",
	"Beail, May",
	"Black, Lux",
	"Bloise, India",
	"Blyant, Nora",
	"Bollinger, Carter",
	"Burns, Jaycob",
	"Carden, Preston",
	"Carter, Merrilyn",
	"Christner, Addie",
	"Churchill, Mirabelle",
	"Conkle, Erin",
	"Countryman, Abner",
	"Courtney, Edgar",
	"Cowher, Antony",
	"Craig, Charlie",
	"Cram, Zacharias",
	"Cressman, Ted",
	"Crissman, Annie",
	"Davis, Palmer",
	"Downing, Casimir",
	"Earl, Missie",
	"Eckert, Janele",
	"Eisenman, Briar",
	"Fitzgerald, Love",
	"Fleming, Sidney",
	"Fuchs, Bridger",
	"Fulton, Rosalynne",
	"Fye, Webster",
	"Geyer, Rylan",
	"Greene, Charis",
	"Greif, Jem",
	"Guest, Sarahjeanne",
	"Harper, Phyllida",
	"Hildyard, Erskine",
	"Hoenshell, Eulalia",
	"Isaman, Lalo",
	"James, Diamond",
	"Jenkins, Merrill",
	"Jube, Bennett",
	"Kava, Marianne",
	"Kern, Linda",
	"Klockman, Jenifer",
	"Lacon, Quincy",
	"Laurenzi, Leland",
	"Leichter, Jeane",
	"Leslie, Kerrie",
	"Lester, Noah",
	"Llora, Roxana",
	"Lombardi, Polly",
	"Lowstetter, Louisa",
	"Mays, Emery",
	"Mccullough, Bernadine",
	"Mckinnon, Kristie",
	"Meyers, Hector",
	"Monahan, Penelope",
	"Mull, Kaelea",
	"Newbiggin, Osmond",
	"Nickolson, Alfreda",
	"Pawle, Jacki",
	"Paynter, Nerissa",
	"Pinney, Wilkie",
	"Pratt, Ricky",
	"Putnam, Stephanie",
	"Ream, Terrence",
	"Rumbaugh, Noelle",
	"Ryals, Titania",
	"Saylor, Lenora",
	"Schofield, Denice",
	"Schuck, John",
	"Scott, Clover",
	"Smith, Estella",
	"Smothers, Matthew",
	"Stainforth, Maurene",
	"Stephenson, Phillipa",
	"Stewart, Hyram",
	"Stough, Gussie",
	"Strickland, Temple",
	"Sullivan, Gertie",
	"Swink, Stefanie",
	"Tavoularis, Terance",
	"Taylor, Kizzy",
	"Thigpen, Alwyn",
	"Treeby, Jim",
	"Trevithick, Jayme",
	"Waldron, Ashley",
	"Wheeler, Bysshe",
	"Whishaw, Dodie",
	"Whitehead, Jericho",
	"Wilks, Debby",
	"Wire, Tallulah",
	"Woodworth, Alexandria",
	"Zaun, Jillie"


to be a mysql array like this but i can't get it to work


	$usersNames2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM person");
$aUsers = array(
	while($getSN22 = mysql_fetch_array($usersNames2))
		$getSN22['FullName'] . ", "; 


Please Help



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  if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT FullName FROM person")) {
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
      $aUsers = array();
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
        $aUsers[] = $row['FullName']; 


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Cheers Thorpe



I have tryed the code you suggested and it dose not seem to work propely.


this is the code of the full page if you can shed any light on why it is not working.



this is just a static test version using a hard-coded countries array.
normally you would be populating the array out of a database

the returned xml has the following structure

$result = mysql_query("SELECT FullName FROM person");
$aUsers = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
	$aUsers['CallID'] = $row['FullName']; 

/*This is the original array code.
                          $aUsers = array(
	"Ädams, Egbert",
	"Altman, Alisha",
	"Archibald, Janna",

$input = strtolower( $_GET['input'] );
$len = strlen($input);
$limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : 0;

$aResults = array();
$count = 0;

if ($len)
	for ($i=0;$i<count($aUsers);$i++)
		// had to use utf_decode, here
		// not necessary if the results are coming from mysql
		if (strtolower(substr(utf8_decode($aUsers[$i]),0,$len)) == $input)
			$aResults[] = array( "id"=>($i+1) ,"value"=>htmlspecialchars($aUsers[$i]), "info"=>htmlspecialchars($aUsers[$i]) );

		if ($limit && $count==$limit)

header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0

if (isset($_REQUEST['json']))
	header("Content-Type: application/json");

	echo "{\"results\": [";
	$arr = array();
	for ($i=0;$i<count($aResults);$i++)
		$arr[] = "{\"id\": \"".$aResults[$i]['id']."\", \"value\": \"".$aResults[$i]['value']."\", \"info\": \"\"}";
	echo implode(", ", $arr);
	echo "]}";
	header("Content-Type: text/xml");

	echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><results>";
	for ($i=0;$i<count($aResults);$i++)
		echo "<rs id=\"".$aResults[$i]['id']."\" info=\"".$aResults[$i]['info']."\">".$aResults[$i]['value']."</rs>";
	echo "</results>";






  if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT FullName FROM person")) {
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
      $aUsers = array();
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
        $aUsers[] = $row['FullName']; 


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sorry i ment to put this $row['CallID'] so i could use the CallID columb in the database so the id reflects the user id...


but i have tryed removing that and it still dose'nt work


that code now reads again..


$aUsers[] = $row['FullName'];




Why change...


$aUsers[] = $row['FullName'];




$aUsers['CallID'] = $row['FullName'];




This will only ever store the last user.

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Hi all


I am still having problems with this code, i am not to sure how to get it working...


Here is the code i have and the array works fine on its own but when i put it in to the code that creats the autodrop down it dosent work ::


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM person");
$aUsers = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
	$aUsers[] = $row['FullName']; 


This is the original code that works in the drop down...


$aUsers = array(
	"Ädams, Egbert",
	"Altman, Alisha",
	"Archibald, Janna",


i have just seen this and i am not to sure what it means ?


this is just a static test version using a hard-coded countries array.
normally you would be populating the array out of a database

the returned xml has the following structure



Also the site i have got the autocolplete code from is ::



Please Help



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