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quick google search returned this, not sure if you can use part of it:


PHP and Perl example source code


The following code is for demonstration purposes only. Please ensure that your web-server has set a correct local time and ask your local server's clock instead of sending time queries to distant servers via the internet.



$timestamp = time();

$datum = date("Y-m-d (D) H:i:s",$timestamp);

echo "Current date and local time on this server is $datum <br>\n";


How to do time server queries


Open a socket connection to the time server on port 13 (daytime) or 37 (time), send an empty string (newline), read the result and close the connection. Then look at the result and display.


The PHP-code is easy and should be self-explaining.


<?php # PHP V4


function query_time_server ($timeserver, $socket) {

/* Query a time server

  © 1999-09-29, Ralf D. Kloth (QRQ.software) <ralf at qrq.de> */


  $fp = fsockopen($timeserver,$socket,$err,$errstr,5);

        # parameters: server, socket, error code, error text, timeout

  if ($fp) {


    $timevalue = fread($fp,49);

    fclose($fp); # close the connection


  else {

    $timevalue = " ";



  $ret = array();

  $ret[] = $timevalue;

  $ret[] = $err;    # error code

  $ret[] = $errstr;  # error text



} # function query_time_server



Query a time server on port 13 (DAYTIME protocol)



/* Query a time server

  © 1999-09-29, Ralf D. Kloth (QRQ.software) <ralf at qrq.de> */

$timeserver = "time-C.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov";

$timercvd = query_time_server($timeserver,13);

if (!$timercvd[1]) { # if no error from query_time_server

  $timevalue = $timercvd[0];

  echo "Time check from time server ",$timeserver," : [<font color=\"red\">",$timevalue,"</font>].<br>\n";

} #if (!$timercvd)

else {

  echo "Unfortunately, the time server $timeserver could not be reached at this time. ";

  echo "$timercvd[1] $timercvd[2].<br>\n";

} # else



Query a time server on port 37 (TIME protocol) :



/* Query a time server

  © 1999-09-29, Ralf D. Kloth (QRQ.software) <ralf at qrq.de> */

$timeserver = "ntp1.sf-bay.org";

$timercvd = query_time_server($timeserver,37);

if (!$timercvd[1]) { # if no error from query_time_server

  $timevalue = bin2hex ($timercvd[0]);

  $timevalue = abs (HexDec('7fffffff') - HexDec($timevalue) - HexDec('7fffffff')) ;

  $tmestamp = $timevalue - 2208988800; # convert to UNIX epoch time stamp

  $datum = date("Y-m-d (D) H:i:s",$tmestamp - date("Z",$tmestamp)); /* incl time zone offset */

  $doy = (date("z",$tmestamp)+1);


  echo "Time check from time server ",$timeserver," : [<font color=\"red\">",$timevalue,"</font>]";

  echo " (seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00.00).<br>\n";

  echo "The current date and universal time is ",$datum," UTC. ";

  echo "It is day ",$doy," of this year.<br>\n";

  echo "The unix epoch time stamp is $tmestamp.<br>\n";

} #if (!$timercvd)

else {

  echo "Unfortunately, the time server $timeserver could not be reached at this time. ";

  echo "$timercvd[1] $timercvd[2].<br>\n";

} # else


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