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Checking for similar names


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Hello, dear PHP/MySQL freaks. ;D


For a while ago, i've met a little problem with searching for similar names in database throught php registration system.


All right, i've this registration page, which allows user to register on my website and use it everywhere on it, of course. Of course, i'm using MySQL database.


The problem itself is that i don't what to have similar names. Let's say there is a nick called "test", and i don't want for users to register "test1".


Any suggestions about how i can do this?

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You can try something like this...



//This variable comes from your register form
$username = $_POST['username'];

$query = "SELECT col FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%$username%'";
$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());

if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1){
   //Good, register the username
} else {
   //ERROR: Username is similar to one in the DB


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pocobueno1388, Yes, i've tried that solution. But it will not work if user writes in form "username", "test1". Then, SQL checks if there are similar nicknames for "test1", but there are none. Then it will be OK to do one.


As you see, this solution will not work. :-[


netpants, Solve this with JavaScript. Well, i did for a while ago! ;D


<script type="text/javascript">

function checkJoin() {

  if (document.getElementById("username").value == document.getElementById("password").value) {
    alert ("Login and password cannot be similar to each other!");
    return false;



And in form, input: onSubmit="return checkJoin()"

Then you'll need to put INPUT ID on forms (username, and password).


Hope this helps.

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pocobueno1388, What i want to do is to block users to register similar names.


Let's say, i have username "test" in my database. Then, if a user wants to register "test1" - MySQL cheks if there is a similar username (in this case: similar to "test"). IF there is a similar username to "test1" - the script will show an error.

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well pocobueno1388 has the right approach if your try something advance try the soundex



Extremely limited, especially for things that don't always sound like words (e.g. username)... easier to roll-your-own.

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