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not empty problem


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if(empty($row2[Downleft])||empty($row2[Downright]))//if downleft or downright is empty
echo "</br>Upline's down card still got space";
      echo "</br>save in downleft";
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downleft='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum = 
     '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= 
      '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or 
}//end if

      echo "</br>save in downright";

      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downright='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum =    
      '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());

      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= 
      '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or 
}//end else
     echo "</br>left not empty";
      echo "</br>right not empty";
if(!empty($row2[Downleft])&&!empty($row2[Downright])){ //if both upline's downleft downright both not empty
      echo"</br>echo golden";
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Golden='Valid' WHERE Serialnum = '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
}//end if



Upline card's owner not null()

Upline's down card still got space

save in downleft

right not empty




since it got enter into and set the downleft..

      echo "</br>save in downleft";
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downleft='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum = 
     '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= 
      '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or 
}//end if

but why still the program wont enter later on ?(after the above "if" set the downleft to a value and it not empty )

     echo "</br>left not empty";

???? weird




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You are missing ' in a lot of places i think..



      echo "</br>save in downleft";
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downleft='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum = 
     '$row2['Serialnum']'") or die(mysql_error());
      mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= 
      '$login',Upline='$row2['Serialnum']',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row['Serialnum']'") or 
}//end if


You should check the rest of the code

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Here is what I think, but I can be wrong



<---here i no add , also can working!..why?

you are testing of the variable exists/equals null/or has an empty value: "", 0


of course it will work.

$row2[Downleft] will always be empty as it is a non existing variable.


do a print_r($row2) to see what you have in that array.

This always helps me when I have some strange behaviour.


kind regards


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   echo "</br>save in downleft";
   mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downleft='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum = '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
   mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
   echo "</br>after down left";
}//end if



after down leftArray ( [serialnum] => AAA0005 [serial] => 1005 [initial] => AAA [Activatecode] => FGQULZBE [Ownerid] => 1001 [status] => [Downleft] => [Downright] => AAA0011 [upline] => AAA0001 [Expireddate] => 2011-11-11 00:00:00 [Createdate] => 2011-11-11 00:00:00 [Point] => 100 [Golden] => Invalid )


weird, the row2[Downleft] is contain new data..it is not empty....why the print_r($row2) appear to null value? ??? ??? ??? ???  so weird

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the program seem store the downleft value into the DB only after whole program executed.


here is the whole program.

include '../../../config.php';
include '../../../opendb.php';


    	   	$result=mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard ORDER BY Serial");
    	  	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)){
    	  		//echo "</br>row serial=".$row[serialnum];
    	  		//echo "</br>row serial=".$_POST[serialnum];
    	  		if($row[serialnum]==$_POST[serialnum]){//if gamecard is found
    	  			echo "</br>match!!!";
    	  		//	echo "</br>activate code=".$row[Activatecode];
    	  		 //   echo "</br>row serial=".$_POST[serialnum];
    	  				echo "</br>activate code correct!!!";
    	  				$result2=mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard ORDER BY Serial");
    	  				while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC)){//finding match upline
    	  					if($row2[serialnum]==$_POST[upline]){//if upline card found
    	  						echo "</br>upline found!!!!!";
    	  						echo "</br>before";
    	  						if(!empty($row2[Ownerid])){//if Upline's Ownerid not null
    	  							echo "</br>Upline card's owner not null()";
    	  							if(empty($row2[Downleft])||empty($row2[Downright]))//if downleft or downright is empty
    	  								echo "</br>after";
    	  								echo "</br>Upline's down card still got space";
    	  									echo "</br>save in downleft";
    	  										mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downleft='$row[serialnum]' WHERE Serialnum = '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
    	  										mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
    	  										echo "</br>after down left";
    	  								}//end if
    	  									echo "</br>save in downright";
    	  										mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Downright='{$row['Serialnum']}' WHERE Serialnum = '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
    	  										mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET `Ownerid`= '$login',Upline='$row2[serialnum]',Status='Registered' WHERE Serialnum = '$row[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
    	  								}//end else
    	  									echo "</br>left not empty";
    	  									echo "</br>right not empty";
    	  							  if(!empty($row2[Downleft])&&!empty($row2[Downright])){ //if both upline's downleft downright both not empty
    	  							  	echo"</br>echo golden";
    	  							  	mysql_query("UPDATE gamecard SET Golden='Valid' WHERE Serialnum = '$row2[serialnum]'") or die(mysql_error());
    	  							  }//end if 
    	  							   }//end else
    	  						}//end if upline downline still got space
    	  							echo "</br>upline card's down  still got space";
    	  						}//end else
    	  					}//end of opline owner id not null
    	  						echo "</br>Sponsor Card not found";
    	  					}//end else
    	  				}//end of if upline card found
    	  				echo "</br>after down all</br>";
    	  			}//end end while finding the match upline card, row2
    	  			}//end if of activate code is correct
    				}//end if 
    	  				echo "</br>card is registered";

    	  		}//end outer if
    	  		//	echo "</br>gamecard serial is invalid";

    	  	}//end while    	   	
    include '../../../closedb.php';


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../style.css" />
<form name='changepass' action='displayusraddc.php' method=post>
<table border="3">
<table border="3">
<td>Card Serial</td>
<td><input type="text" name='serialnum' ></td>
<td>Card Activate Code</td>
<td><input type="text" name='act' ></td>
<td>Card's Sponsor Card's Serial</td>
<td><input type="text" name='upline'><td>
<td><input type="submit" name='button' value='comfirm'><td>





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wat is the different between $row2[Downleft] and $row2['Downleft']


The first is looking or an index that corisponds to the constant Downleft, the other the string 'Downleft'


Unless you have defined the constant Downleft somewhere your code is invalid. Turn on error reporting and you will see the warnings.

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