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Using my PHP in a Widget


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I have created a widget page that queries a database based on www.site.com/widget/index.php?id=595


Which retrieves a bunch of stuff about that id and displays results on the page - could be 1, could be 5 different results. Most widgets use an iframe but that height is not dynamic, and I do not want scrolling. Is there anyway to do this that would be easier? I looked into javascript too but all the examples I found also use an iframe.



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how do you plan on doing it without scrolling? if there is too much information for the box/frame/iframe/page/browser... it will scroll.

what kind of information.. or rather is it 10 quick little facts or is it sentences of description?


the only way to prevent it from scrolling would be CSS... but i dont know exactly what that would be. just google CSS no scroll

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I suppose you could get the number of results and then load the right .css file to amend the style height of the div in which the results are displayed.


Of course, that's going to explode when someone uses a larger font size than you planned on them using.


White space never killed anyone; use a scrollable div set for 2 or 3 factoids.

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