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What is wrong with this script



function get_map($row_min,$row_max,$column_min,$column_max){

$query = mysql_query("SELECT row,columns,movable FROM rooms WHERE room_id = 'some room id' SORT BY row ASC") or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
$columns = explode("|",$row['columns']);
$movable = explode("|",$row['movable']);

if(count($columns) != count($movable)){
die("I'm sorry, this room is under construction at the moment.");

$cell[$row['row']][$columns[$i]] = $movable[$i];


mysql_free_result($query);//this will help to clear off the memory so we don't bog the server down

$map = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";

//format of array: $cell[ROW][COLUMN] = TRUE/FALSE;

foreach($cell as $index=>$row){

if($index >= $row_min && $index <= $row_max){

$map .= "\t<tr id='row_$index'>\n";

foreach($row as $column=>$movable){

if($column >= $column_min && $column <= $column_max){

if($movable){$src = 'orange_square.gif';} else {$src = 'blank_square.gif';}
$map .= "\t\t<td id='column_$column'><img src='$src' alt='$src'></td>\n";



$map .= "\t</tr>\n";



$map .="</table>";

return $map;

$holder = get_map(21,25,13,17);//this can be ONE map from row 21-25 and column 13-18
$holder2 = get_map(1,5,56,60);//this can be another map from row 1-5 and column 56-60

$partial_map = get_map(1,5,1,6);//rows 1-5, columns 1-6
echo $partial_map;



i get this error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /hsphere/local/home/bogblob/rpg.theblackmagic.co.uk/dc.php on line 15
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You are using MySQL reserved names for field names, so you have to enclose them in backticks ( ` ):

$query = mysql_query("SELECT `row`,`columns`,movable FROM rooms WHERE room_id = 'some room id' SORT BY row ASC") or die(mysql_error());



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omg this is ment to have been writen by a top php person and now i get


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hsphere/local/home/bogblob/rpg.theblackmagic.co.uk/dc.php on line 36 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hsphere/local/home/bogblob/rpg.theblackmagic.co.uk/dc.php on line 36 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hsphere/local/home/bogblob/rpg.theblackmagic.co.uk/dc.php on line 36
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