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Simple problem with variable scope.


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Hey guys,

Been awhile since i have had time to do any php but this is driving me mad.


I am setting two variables $comPost and $comAction.. Now if i echo these right after declaration, they work fine.

But inside the displayForm() function, if i set them as global they will not echo, but if i set any other predefined variable as global they work.



$args = explode('/', $params);
$comPost = $args[0];
$comAction = $args[1];
echo "/".$comPost.":".$comAction."/"; // This echos correctly.
function displayForm()
global $comPost, $comAction;
echo "displayForm()";
echo "<br />";
echo "/".$comPost.":".$comAction."/"; //This doesnt show the variables?


Anyone know why, even though the variables are global they dont work inside the function?


Thanks for reading,


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I just tried your code and it works fine for me...


Why don't you just pass the variables into the function, instead of using the global?


$args = explode('/', $params);
$comPost = $args[0];
$comAction = $args[1];
echo "/".$comPost.":".$comAction."/"; // This echos correctly.
function displayForm($comPost,$comAction)
echo "displayForm()";
echo "<br />";
echo "/".$comPost.":".$comAction."/"; //This doesnt show the variables?



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Yeah i was thinking about doing that,

Just an easy work around, but i was still wondering why it wasnt declaring the variables global.


It works with any other variable i have predefined.. Like if i declare $config as global i can echo that.


But just before if i set $myVar = "test"; and global it inside the function it doesnt recognise it either.


Find it odd. you say it works for you?

Maybe something in the settings?



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