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Questions about using post with PHP and getting the data back


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I am posting numbers.


the name = number for all names = ...and the value = different numbers eg...fx1005 or dx33 or sx9

the fx, dx, sx  is just added to the number and it tells me what to do with the value when I get it


here is the code I wrote to get the values back:


$numbers_received = array();

$numsA = array();


$counter = 0;


$numbers_received = $_POST['number'];


foreach($numbers_received as $value) {

$numsA[$counter] = "$value";

$counter = $counter + 1;



and now to look at what I received..



echo $numsA[4];




I get this error in the log: invalid argument supplied foreach()


It leads me to believe that what was posted was not an array. Is this true?


Is there a way for me to do this?




This was just a test sending 10 numbers and I had hoped that it would echo a result..it did not :(


I can do this a long way but, using perl reasoning fIigured something like this could be done in php too.. with fewer keystrokes


I'm new to php so don't laugh.















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Here ya go,


<form action = "$self" method = "post">

<input type="hidden" name="number" value="dx2201">

<input type="hidden" name="number" value="dx108">

<input type="hidden" name="number" value="sx9">

<input type="hidden" name="number" value="fx1">

<input type = "submit" value = "Submit">




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You know, I'm not understanding what exactly you're trying to accomplish here....


Anyway, you've got 1 variable (one!) in your form. How does your form pass the information to $numbers_received & $numsA? You're getting the error because those two variables don't have any information at all. Incidentally, $value up there would hold "dx2201" not "2201" like I suspect you're hoping. All that code up there does is copy the info from one array to another in a very difficult fashion.


Wouldn't it be easier to transfer your information in separated arrays? Something that would result in:


$dx = array (2201, 108);

$sx = array (9);

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In order to pass multiple values using the same name, you need to make that name an array:

<form action = "$self" method = "post">
   <input type="hidden" name="number[]" value="dx2201">
   <input type="hidden" name="number[]" value="dx108">
   <input type="hidden" name="number[]" value="sx9">
   <input type="hidden" name="number[]" value="fx1">
   <input type = "submit" value = "Submit">


To reference the returned values, use "$_POST['number'][0]"  through "$_POST['number][3]".



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Thank you kenrbnsn,


Here is your answer back...


            $number1_received = $_POST['number'][0];

$number2_received = $_POST['number'][1];

$number3_received = $_POST['number'][2];


echo $number1_received;

echo "\n";

echo $number2_received;

echo "\n";

echo $number3_received;

echo "\n";


but...is this what you meant?




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